Chapter Twelve

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Kat stood back by the school entrance, holding the kids back as Joyce tried getting through to Will

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Kat stood back by the school entrance, holding the kids back as Joyce tried getting through to Will. Her arms wrapped around Dustin and Max's shoulders as they watched Joyce try to wake Will. When he started choking, it made all of them gasp a little, Kat holding onto the younger kids a little tighter. After a few very slow minutes, Will finally returned; but before anyone could say anything Joyce was already escorting him away. Leaving Kat and the kids to just stand there coming to terms with what they have witnessed.

"Two episodes in two days." Lucas said to his friends as he stood on the other side of Dustin, Mike stood on the other side of Max.

Dustin turned his attention to his friends. "It's getting worse." he said softly. Kat shot her brother a look, shocked that he hadn't told her any of this, but she didn't blame him as she's been a tad busy for the last few days. Looking back to where Will once stood, she grew concerned for the youngest Byers.

Taking a deep breath, she looked back down to the kids around her. "Alright, that's enough excitement for one day, you boys head home I'm gonna make sure Max gets home safely." Kat finally spoke up, realizing she needed to be an adult in this situation.

Watching the boys get on their bikes, she had Max hop on behind her in order to get her home. Max obviously had to ask why she didn't drive, Kat simply told her that she was still learning. During their ride, Kat had asked if Billy did this often, taking off without her; the younger girl confirmed that this wasn't the first or the last time and he always expects her to walk if she is late. Even though he doesn't wat very long for her.

Pulling up to Max's house the girls were having a couple of laughs, Kat enjoying her company. Naturally their time had to come to an end when they realized Billy was outside working on his car. Ignoring his looming presence, Kat smiled warmly at the redhead. "Now if Mike is adamant about you not joining the party, we will make our own."

Max hopped off Kat's bike. "Deal." The girl's mood instantly dropped the moment Billy called out Max's name ordering her inside; as she walked away from Kat, he moved toward her. "Just can't get enough of me, can you?"

Kat tilted her head a little to the side. "You know I think it's the other way around, you're the only one who makes first contact while I try to end all contact. --- I'm only here to drop off Max, it seems like someone left her at school. I wonder who that could be." Kat tapped her chin in thought before getting back onto her bike and heading home.

When Kat got home, she immediately looked for her brother who was hiding in his room, tossing her bookbag in her bedroom she made a straight path towards his bedroom, not bothering to knock as she walked right in, making sure to close the door behind her in case their mother came home early. Just as she was going to ask him about Will and how he lost his little creature she noticed what was in Yurtle tank. "I thought you lost it?! Wait, did it grow!"

Looking like a deer in headlights, Dustin slowly nodded his head. "Yeah, I lied. --- Umm... Will recognize the sounds that Dart makes as something from the Upside Down. I wanted to show Mr. Scott but the guys wanted to take him to Hopper. You know Hopper will kill him!" Dustin nodded his head. "He grew two more legs just before we lost him."

Kat took a step back, almost pushing her back to the door. "You mean... he could be..." Her eyes flickered to her leg, and the memory of being briefly attacked by the Demogorgon came to mind. Her eyes started on Dart. "Dustin, we have to get rid of him."

"NO!" Dustin shouted. "We don't know that for sure, Will could have still been out of it."

Kat ran her hand over her face; she sighed to herself. "What happened to Will?" Dustin shrugged his shoulders, telling her that he wasn't sure of himself, though he did tell her what he did know.

The Next Day

Kat couldn't have been more excited to get to school, something about Dart was leaving a horrible feeling in her gut and she just wanted out of her house. Ignoring Billy in her first period, which was an assignment all itself as she didn't have her usual metalhead hero. As the day progressed, she started to notice that she hadn't seen Jonathan or Nancy all day. Usually, she should have seen at least one of them by midday, but she reminded herself that it wasn't any of her business. Plus, she was sort of used to those two going on their own adventures by now.

She was walking down the hallway when she heard someone call out for her. "Hey, Kat... wait... Kat." Turning around she caught Steve running up to her, hair halfway wet. "Hey." He placed his hands on his hips as he caught his breath. "You're a very difficult person to find, no set group of friends."

Kat blinked at him a few times, as they never had the need to talk to each other before, not since everything that happened last year at Jonathan's house. "Thanks for reminding me. Why are you trying to find me?" she asked, very confused.

"Have you spoken to Nancy lately?"

She shook her head. "No, not since before the Halloween party. Why? Something happened?"

Steve ran a hand over his face as he let out a loud sigh, "We had a fight at the party, she called our relationship bullshit, and we broke up. Have you at least seen her?"

Kat was lowkey kind of shocked about that news, hoping her face didn't show it; remembering how Nancy chose Steve last year. She shook her head again. "I think the last time I saw her was yesterday morning."

"Fuck!" Steve muttered to himself. Kat gave him a puzzled expression; Steve took that as his queue to continue. "Billy and Tommy were just telling me that she and Jonathan skipped out yesterday and haven't been seen since. I was hoping they were wrong."

"Don't listen to those two assholes!" Kat sighed loudly. "They both want to make everyone else's lives shitty because they are shitty. --- But Steve, if you two broke up she can hang out with whoever; shit she could hang out with whoever if you guys are together. You know they are friends after all the crap we went through last year."

Steve listened to her for a moment. "You curse a lot you know."

Kat grinned. "Oh, you have no idea; my brother is worse." She patted his shoulder. "It's going to be alright Harrington, as long as you don't listen to Billy or Tommy."

The rest of the school day went by very quietly; Kat did try to call the Byers household to find out any news or anything but the phone just kept ringing. When school finale let out the teenager made her way towards the middle school to meet up with her brother and was greeted by him and Lucas who started telling her everything; that on Halloween night Will sort of saw a shadow in the sky that was from the Upside Down, that he possibly saw it again yesterday. As the trio was getting ready to leave, Mike briefly told them he was heading over to the Byers house; Max greeted them and hugged Kat before taking off into Billy's car.

Once Dustin and Kat made it home, they were greeted by their mom who was off from work early for once, asking if they had seen Mews the cat. Shaking their heads no, the siblings went into their own rooms but before Kat could sit down on her bed, Dustin came into her room, grabbed her arm, and dragged her into his room, closing the door behind him.

"What the hell Dustin!" She said before getting a lot of the room, Yurtle glass cage was broken and a weird squelching sound could be heard. Her eyes caught the trail of blood, she looked over at Dustin as both siblings followed the trail of blood. The sound getting worse, as they leaned over the chair in the corner, both equally grossed out by the sight of Dart feasting on Mews; Dart turned around and opened its mouth to screech and it opened up like a demogorgon.

"What the fuck!" Kat grabbed Dustin.

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