Chapter Eighteen

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June 28th, 1984

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June 28th, 1984

After graduation, since she wasn't planning on attending college, Kat knew that she needed to get a job. Lucky for her, the new Starcourt Mall had just opened up with tons of new jobs; another lucky part was that she got a job in the new theater. She even managed to get Steve to come in and apply for a job at the same mall but instead, he got in at the ice cream parlor, Scoops Ahoy.

It was another late night as she stood at the service door when she heard three light knocks in an organized pattern, the signal. Looking around she opened it up, "Again? Seriously?" Opening it up wider she let Mike, Max, Lucas, and Will into the theater.

"You've been hanging around Steve too much," Mike muttered to her as the group quickly walked past to get to their movie.

"Remember, I don't know you!" She whispered loudly to them.

Most of the theaters were filling up with the next showing, and only a few were in the process of their movies when the power went out. Kat's eyes flickered around as she reached for her flashlight before the power came back on. "That was really weird." Tiffany, her coworker, said as she approached her. "Hawkins has been weird for like the last two years. I can't wait to get out of this place."

Kat nodded her head in agreement, 'If only she knew how weird it was,' Kat thought to herself. When her shift ended not too long after the power outage, she made her way toward Scoops Ahoy. "Look it's my favorite sailors." She spoke as she smiled brightly at Steve and Robin.

Steve looked over at Robin. "She's talking about me."

"Dingus, she said sailors as in both of us, plus if anyone is her favorite it would be me. At least I don't give her headaches and children duty."

"No, you can't be the favorite! You've only known her for like two months. Kat tell her she's not the favorite." Robin rolled her eyes at Steve as she went to the back to start the closing up processes.

Kat rubbed her hand over her face, sighing loudly. "Tell me why I'm friends with you again."

Steve started to count off on his fingers. "I put up with you and your brother, taught you how to drive, save your life, your only age-appropriate friend, do I need to go on?"

Kat held a finger up. "Hold on, I have issues with all of that. You're more friendly with my brother than me as you drop everything for the dork, I saved your life too, and I'm your only age-appropriate friend. I will say that you taught me how to drive, but you insist on driving me to work so I haven't really used my license yet."

Steve was not amused with Kat as he flickered her off before scooping her a cone of vanilla bean and telling her to wait in the corner as he finished up closing. Kat sat in the corner enjoying how Robin always bossed Steve around at closing time; he never gets the order of closing done right so every time he messes up, they have to start over.

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