03| pretty

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Benny's Pov

God, she's so pretty. All I can think about was her. She was talking, and  I just wish I could just tell her how much I loved her.  I've been in love with this girl for I don't  know how long. All I know is that she's gorgeous and I wish I could just cough up the guts to tell her.
We're all walking home. Jessie's on my left, turned to look at me and she was telling me about this story she had read the day before. Something about her wanting to be loved- how this guy loved the main character. And all I can think about was that I can be that guy for her. That I should be that guy. That I will be Him.
I kept listening to her story trying to hide the fact that I was madly in love with her. Then we reached her house. And  I gave her a quick hug like I always do and I said bye to Kenny too, reminding them to go to the sandlot at 8.

After Jessie and Kenny leave its just me and Smalls. For a kid who just learnt to play ball he's pretty alright. Ham said that he'll teach Smalls more tomorrow as if he's really taught him everything but thats whatever.

"See you later, Smalls" I told him before walking closer to my house that was across from his.

"Bye. See you tomorrow. Benny, wait you're glove!"

"keep it man" Its fine honestly I haven't used it in almost a year i only ever carry it around if one of the guys need extra. and at least now he can play with a real glove that wont break like his other one. But before I went to my house I had another thing I thought he should have.


"Oh yeah, bring a tee shirt and jeans tomorrow ok?" I didn't exactly know to put this kindly.

"you got a fireplace?" That probably sounded mean but it'll be fine.
"Yeah, why?" he nodded.

"Throw that hat in there man." I hope that didn't sound to harsh but hat was not doing him any good.

"Oh yeah, you know it was my only one." I feel like I should feel bad but I'm about to give him a different one so it'll all be good.

"Not anymore, wear my old one" its not the nicest but its better than the one he right now. We both walked off after saying bye and all that stuff. Now I gotta get ready for the sleepover I'm supposed to have with Kenny.

Jessie's Pov

I gave Benny a quick hug before entering my house like always. But whenever we hug I just want more. I wish I could stay in his arms forever. I wish I could be his. I want to be his. I have to be his. I just wish he knew. and I wish he would feel the same about me but there was no way.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice I was still infront of the door. the only thing that brought me out of my daze was Kenny throwing a pillow right at my head.

Jessie's thinking about benny again againnnnn
What? No. I wasn't
you so were. Oh benny are you OK? let me give you a big fat hug.
Shut up, I don't act like that
Yeah you do. because u like benny.
You like benny (He singsonged)
Shut up, No I don't
please stop
go die in a hole
Ugh how rude
but still....

Kenny yelled as he ran up the stairs before I had the chance to absolutely murder him.

It was about an hour or 2 before Alahna was supposed to come over. So I showered quick to get today's sweat off of me.  I changed into my dark blue loose sleeping shorts that lay nicely on my hips and black tank top that rests right above my waist. Just as I was about to go downstairs, I passed Kenny's room and he told me that one of the guys were sleeping over too. I thought it would be yeah yeah because it's convenient that Alahna was already coming over. And just as I was at the bottom of the stairs the doorbell rang and me thinking it was Alahna I walked over confidently saying hey Alahna when I opened it. Just to see....

Benny's pov
"Not Alahna, but just as good," I say to her as she looks down embarrassed she also pulled her shirt down a bit. But God she looked good I never realized how fit her body really was. We stood there for a bit making eye contact for most of it then I jokingly said " Can I come in or what?" and she said "oh yeah, sorry come in." Then she yelled for Kenny. To say the least I was shocked that Jessie was the one to open the door Kenny said she was sleeping at Alahna's house. Oh well.

"Don't you have a sleepover with Alahna" I asked wondering if she was going over there or staying here.
"Oh yeah she's coming over here, that's why I called you Alahna." She replied in a Duh type tone.
" OK OK shut it I didn't think of that"
" Oh I can tell" she said jokingly and I pretended to be offened and to my displeasure our conversation got interrupted by another doorbell and Kenny finally coming down the stairs.

"That's my calling" Jess says as she runs to the door. And Kenny brings me upstairs.

As soon as we got to Kenny's room the first thing he could say was "do you like my sister?," I was honestly shocked he would just ask that but then he continued his questioning- " I mean, I see the way you two talk and look at eachother I'm not stupid, I can tell when a person likes my sister- I'm not completely stupid." I laughed because we both new he was quite stupid and not just with girl stuff but in general.

"well...." I started
"well what? you loke her or nah?"can he not tell?
"don't tell her or anyone k? but I do"
"I knew it," he laughed, " well actually all the guys know, we can tell that you like eachother?"
Wait Jess likes me??
"Hold on did you just say like eachother? then that mean Jess likes me? She LIKES ME?"
He looked around a bit, " Well I wasn't supposed to say anything but the guys don't know fs and only me and Alahna know."

"Wait, do I really make it that obvious that I like her?"- "Yeah, you think you're discreet about it? if anything you're yelling it to the whole world." He remarked with a smile and laugh.

I make it that obvious. Does she know?


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