05| his jacket

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Jessie's Pov

Oh they thought they were so slick. those two numb skulls thought they were achieving something when they stuck me and Benny to sit with eachother all night. They thought we wouldn't notice but we both did and just decided to make it a night. We were having so much fun. I was so glad to be with just Benny. This is the only time where we won't get interrupted by one of the guys.

I got to bask in this alone time. This was something I wish happened more but with all the guys around constantly it would never happen. And it was nice being around Benny alone, without anyone making it awkward. It's hard when you have a crush on someone you've known you're while life, it can get awkward or nerve wracking sometimes but when it comes down to it, Benny is one if my best friends and he always will be even if he doesn't like me the way I like him even if everyone says he does I don't know if I should believe it or not. I mean everyone could just be saying that to make sure I don't get hurt and hide the fact that he doesn't like me.

The whole night I could talk help but catch myself staring and blushing at benny when he smiled, thank god it was getting dark the brightly coloured carnival lights masked my blush so benny wouldn't notice. I just couldn't help myself, I love the way his eyes move around looking at all the stuff and the lights around us. You can tell a lot from his eyes, they sparkle. They especially sparkle when Benny talks about baseball, it's adorable how much he loves baseball and the way he just beams at the thought of it.

We walked around trailing behind our two friends who kept abandoning us to carry on with their evil plan when it started to get colder.  Maybe I shouldn't have worn a baby tee without a cover up I mean I usually do but I guess I forgot it tonight. I mean who would've thought it would get this chilly on one if the hottest days if summer. I think Benny noticed when I started to shiver because while we were talking he looked at me and quickly took off his flannel to wrap around my shoulders. I was flustered and nervous because I mean benny just gave me is shirt to wear.

"Don't look at me like that. You're shivering, I could practically hear your teeth chittering" I wasn't looking at him as if i didn't want his shirt I couldn't help but feel butterflies, it had been like a seen right from the movies and it made me wonder if there was a chance that he would like me back and think of me kore than his best friend. He was so considerate but I couldn't help but feel bad what if he got cold too. And as if he was reading my mind.

"Don't worry about me at least I'm wearing a long sleeve. And plus I'm warm, come on, you're mom would kill me if we went back and you were shivering like we just went to Antarctica." I just smiled and we kept on walking. We knew we were finally within talking distance of Alahna and Kenny  when we heard them giggle at the fact that Benny didn't have his shirt and that it was now seen over my own shoulders.

His shirt gave me such a warm and fuzzy feeling I felt safe and extremely cozy. I couldn't care less if Kenny was going to make fun of me later. All i could think about was how good his shirt smelt.

The night felt like it had gone on for days and I couldn't of been happier because for the whole night me and benny just talked, sat next to each other and talked. It was like there was no one else on earth just me and him and I wouldn't want it any other way.

We ended the night off with a little ride on the ferris wheel, Benny and I sat together of course and Kenny and Alahna sat together as well. And I must admit they would make an amazing couple. I see the way they are around each other they have a good bond.

The ferris wheel was relaxing, as i felt the air while we moved i felt almost romantic. it was just me and Benny, no distractions, no interruptions, and I would say no baseball but you can't have a conversation with Benny Rodrigues and not talk about baseball it's like against the law or something. But still it was sweet, the conversation ended slowly into a comfortable silence and we were just enjoying each other's presence.

At thus moment I thought well maybe I should tell Benny how I feel and FINALLY get this over with. But just as i started to pluck up the courage to say something again the ferris wheel stopped and I couldn't help but smile as he helped me off the ride.

He held my hand as we got off the ride and sure we've held hands before but lately anytime we even come close to physical contact i feel butterflies in my stomach. I like him so much I just wish that I would tell him already and this whole thing over with. But at that same time I don't want to tell him because what if he doesn't like me what if everyone's assumptions are just wrong and he only sees me a close friend. I mean he doesn't have any other close female friends other than me and Alahna but him and I are
much closer. So what if this is how he would be with Alahna if they were closer?

Stuff like that is the only thing that's stopping me from just telling him. I'm also scared that it might ruin our friendship, he's one of my best friends and what if that all gets ruined because of some stupid unrequited love.

So I swallow those butterflies down and continue the night like my feelings aren't even there.

On the walk home Alahna FINALLY walks beside me again simply just to question me and Benny and possibly to get away from Kenny.

"Look who finally got sick of my brother" She smiled her famous smile

"Yup and missed my best friend. So lets get to the important stuff. You, Benny, Benny's shirt, him holding your hand while you guys got off the ride give me every detail. I need it" It was like she hadn't eaten in a week and I was someone who was finally feeding her.

I gave her the most detailed explanation of everything and how I was feeling during it, while we quickly walked out of earshot of the two "Enny's" ( get it? B-enny, K-enny). U couldn't risk Kenny hearing this he's kind of a bug mouth but I mean so is Alahna but u trust she wont say anything and of course I trust my own twin brother but he would definitely tell Benny.

The walk home would've been absolutely freezing if I didn't have Benny's shirt cus by the time we were like 5 minutes away from home is when it really started to get chilly. So I suggested that we could make like coco and popcorn and watch a movie since it was weirdly cold today. Lately its been pretty hot even at bight but even during the day today was kind of breezy which I am completely thankful for. The summer heat has been an absolute pain in my butt.

The rest of the bight went pretty chill we ended up watching whatever movie we could find and I even decided to share some candy from my secret stash that inly me and Alahna knew about because if Kenny knew, the stash would be gone in a second.

I found myself sitting on the left of Benny and Alahna on my left and Kenny on his right. I felt myself lean into him at some points and it felt almost as if he was trying to lean closer to me as well but I'm sure it was all in my head. Until he put his arm around the back of the couch I couldn't help but wish his arm was around me.

Benny's Pov

I wish I had really put my arm around her but I'm scared that I'll make her uncomfortable so the back of the couch will do. I mean I should be happy that shes sitting next to me it gives me the perfect excuse to slight move closer to her and I'm just fixing myself if she asked but she never did.

After the movie ended we all went upstairs the girls to Jessie's room and us to Kenny's which were right across from each other so we all just said a quick good night and parted. Me and Kenny stayed up a bit just talking about sports and stuff and I know that the girls stayed up a bit too because we could still hear they're giggling but we knew when it went real quiet that they were asleep and we ended up sleeping too. Me in my sleeping bag and Kenny on his bed. I'm pretty sure Alahna and Jessie shared a bed because Alahna only walked into the house with a small backpack and a couple things in her hands. But isn't that weird sleeping in the same bed, I guess not for girls and I mean its not that weird for me and Kenny since we're best friends too but I guess guys just prefer sleeping separate more space.

Longer chapters and more improvements with my writing cus before I really j shortcut through a lot of the writing but I'll definitely put more effort in now.🫶🏽

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