07| Campout

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Jessie Denunez

Kenny and I arrive as Benny gets there. We both say hi to Benny but they both stay back while I go ip the ladder with my stuff, the marshmallows, and the candle for the smores. That's my favourite part of these summer campouts the smores.

I was a little confused as to why they both stayed outside but I'm sure one of them will tell me by the end of the night.

Benny Rodriguez

After I said hi to Jessie, Kenny and I stayed back a bit to talk. We had a plan for tonight. Tonight we start operation 'Bensie' as the guys call it. I was going to try my hardest to get alone with Jessie just like at the carnival. Kenny and I stayed back to discuss strategies. You would be surprised at how adamant Kenny is to get me and Jessie together but he knows how much I like her and how much she supposedly likes me. I really hope she does.

To the campout she was wearing pj pants and a sweater on top, she also had the jacket I gave her a week ago at the carnival on. I'm glad she chose to wear it.

After our talk me and Kenny head up and I immediately try and get to Jessie. Since we were there before some of the others she was claiming her spot in the treehouse, even though we all know thats her spot. She would kick our asses if someone took that spot. She likes it because it's right by the wall so she can sit there while we talk so her back can lean against something and it's close enough to the window to feel a slight breeze because she likes sleeping in the cold. She says it's so she can snuggle up in her blanket but I know it's also because it clears her sinuses while she sleeps, but I don't think she would want me to know that. But I do, I can hear her sniffing through the night, it sounds clear when there's a little breeze but on the more humid days you can hear her huffing and puffing through her mouth because she can't breathe through her nose. She hates those humid days because she hates breathing through her mouth.

I sit next to her and place my stuff next to her so she has to talk to me. We talked the entire time we were waiting for the guys, mostly just random stuff because we talk every day. She's one of my closest friends so of course we talk a lot. She soon starts on her rants about any and everythinf which she usually apologizes for afterwards but I never mind. I just enjoy listening to her and the fact that she's comfortable enough to tell me about everything that causes her distresses. Our conversation starts to die down as the last person gets here which conveniently happens to be Smalls. The whole reason we were having the campout to begin with.

At this point we still weren't listening to anyone but each other until the Smalls and Ham have a while conversation about smores, which catches both Jessie and I's attention.

"Want a s'more?" Ham was asking Smalls this since Smalls had say in front of him, I knew me and Jessie were gonna ask Ham to make us some because he's usually the one making them. He's also usually the one eating them the most so he just decided to sit by the candle to make it easier than walking back and forth to the candle for a s'more.

"Some more of what?" Sometimes I just don't get how he's supposed to be some kind of nerd as he says he is. He says he's real good in school and yet somehow this kid doesn't know what a s'more is. Has he been living under a rock or something?

"No. You want a s'more?" Me and Jessie were just sitting back at this point watching this conversation bore on as we heard the other guys talking about how Squints doesn't like that "chocolate stuff", what kid doesn't like chocolate? Ham goes on to teach Smalls everything he came about s'mores.

I'm already bored of their conversation and it seems as though Jessie is too. She starts to lean her head on my shoulder as a way of telling me she's tired. This was something she did quite often. When we were just sitting together at lunch, after a long game and sometimes when she would sit with me on the bus if she wasn't sitting with Alahna. She did it when she was tired, or in the middle of a conversation after she gets bored of looking around and sometimes she would just place her head there as a sign of comfort.

I was just about to start talking to her again when Squints yells over us to shush us and stop us from waking the beast. I'd be surprised if we hadn't already, it's not like us just getting quiet now would change anything id he was already awake. And I sure hope he was the already awake. Squints goes off to tell Smalls the whole story of the beast and how he came to be the beast. I never really believed that Mr. Myrtle made the beast eat someone but there is a chance the beast actually ate all those robbers.

I guess I wasn't the only one who found Squints story boring after hearing it for the a thousandth time. I saw Jessie's eyes start to close as Squints came to the end of his story and I couldn't help but catch myself staring at her effortless beauty. I would've kept staring if her eyes hadn't opened back up but they did and she just kind of looked at me with her soft and tired eyes and she gave me a smile before getting more comfortable in her blanket. She was definitely ready for sleep but I could see how she was fighting it off. Of course she probably wanted to hang out with the guys more but she was already dozing off so I just let her fall back to sleep on my shoulder and I tried to not move. I was still fidgeting with my hands and a ball so I figured I'll throw an arm around her later to get more comfy.

I wasn't planning in moving anyways, if one of the guys wanted to talk to me they would have to move because there was no way I would move if Jessie is sleeping comfortably in me.  And that was the whole plan of tonight for me just to be close to her no matter what and if she was asleep at-least she was with me.

It took a little longer for the rest of the guys to sleep but eventually they dud slowly, one by one, none of us really wanting to sleep as Bertram, Kenny, and I were talking, Smalls and Ham were going crazy over the s'mores and the others were just playing around. Not surprisingly Jessie slept through everything, the screaming the rough housing, and Smalls' sugar high.

I was the last to sleep, I kind of just watched Jessie sleep as she was still on my shoulder and I took the moment in. Once I felt myself dozing off I threw an arm around her and snuggled into my blanket more, covering her up with hers more knowing how cold she gets. After that she snuggles into my chest a but and we lay there, slightly leaning against the wall but mostly lying down. I lay my head on top of hers and fell asleep knowing we would never hear the end of it from the guys, considering how much they were already teasing me while I was awake I could only imagine how bad it would be in the morning. But I couldn't care less.

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