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Benny Rodriguez

How stupid could I be? I possibly just ruined every chance that I had with Jessie. We were finally getting somewhere good and I just had to screw it up. I don't know what happened this morning but for some reason I panicked. I saw the guys looking down at us and I panicked. I don't know why I pulled away from her. I shouldn't have. I could've kept her in my arms for the rest of my life.

I don't know what it was but seeing all the guys there, watching, taking a photo it scared me. At least if she had said something I could've just played it off as a subconscious thing while I was sleeping but since the guys saw it there's no playing it off. Most of them know about my crush on Jessie and would probably start saying stuff and talking like they always do and that way there would be no more hiding my crush for her.

Sure we overheard a bit of their conversation but what if she doesn't actually like me or is embarrassed to like me back. Or maybe she does really like me and I just screwed everything up. I could see her face when I pulled away, she look sad and embarrassed. I had embarrassed her because I was scared.

The whole way home she avoided me and I know why. I had made it awkward. I almost instantly took my arm off her after cuddling with her the whole night. She walked on the other side of the group with Kenny and small sad smile plastered on her face.

I felt so guilty but we still had to play baseball and maybe this was one of those days where I just didn't want to. I couldn't face her, because if I told her why I practically scrambled to my feet away from her this morning I would have to tell her that I liked her and I don't know if I'm ready for her to know.

By the time I was back at the sandlot it was just me, Ham, Timmy, Tommy, and Bertram. We were just waiting on Smalls, Kenny, Squints and yeah yeah who also went out to buy a new ball and of course Jessie.

She walked in after Smalls, with Kenny of course and she looked beautiful. She always did, she was a breath of fresh air no matter what place she walked into even if it was an open field. She was prettier than any girl I had ever seen and she was the best person to know. She was a ray of sunshine and the world revolved around her. At least mine did.

She sat there talking to Bertram while I spoke to Kenny. Or more like he spoke to me.

"Man, what was that for? You were this close and then what you run away from her? do you know how stupid you are?" Of course Kenny would be the first to say anything, that was his sister after all.

"I don't know what happened earlier man. I panicked and I didn't know what to do. You guys were all just standing there,
with a CAMERA! "At this poimt I was whisper-yelling. I really didn't and I felt stupid for not knowing what to do.

"Well I mean sure the camera was a bit much but you don't just run away not when you've been practically dreaming of something like that all your life. I mean you should've seen your face, you would not stop smiling when she fell asleep on you. And now she thinks you want nothing to do with her. Simply because you're an idiot" He was right, I was so happy to finally just have her near me like that and now I've got her thinking I'm straight up disgusted by her.

"What do I do though? She won't even look at me" Every time I would catch her eye she would look away almost immediately. God I feel like a total dick. Kenny just sits there thinking about what he can do to help and finally Squints and Yeah yeah return with a brand new ball and we could finally start this game up. i was the first to get up and approach the guys.

"What took you so long? we've been waiting here forever already" I don't know why we always let these two get stuff for us they always do the stupidest shit.

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