08 | Camera shy?

138 2 0

Jessie Denunez

I had woken up this morning in almost the same position I had fallen asleep in yesterday. I was laying on Benny, but now we had begun to lie down more. My head was close to chest but still resting on his shoulder a bit and my right arm had made its way to Benny's chest. Benny had his right arm wrapped around my shoulders and his left arm was slung around my waist. Our blankets were combined and we were in my favourite spot in the entire tree house.

We were against one of the walls connected to the wall either the window for perfect air flow. The circulation helped me sleep at night and when I woke up in the middle of the night I was able to see the stars and moon shining above me.

This time I woke up to the bright sunshine and Benny's cologne filling my lungs. I was just about to close my eyes again and sleep in my comfortable position until I heard a shutter from a camera and a few giggles. I had thought that I was the only one awake or that they weren't paying attention to Benny and I but once I heard the giggles I knew the boys who were awake knew what was happening and now they had a photo.
Benny heard the camera click and I knew it because he started to shift until he eventually woke up and when he saw the camera he was fully awake. When he saw the looks on the guys faces he moved away from me almost immediately. He took his arms off of me and almost scrambled to his feet. It was almost as if he was ashamed to be seen with me like this. I guess Alahna was wrong about him liking me because if he did then why would he move away from me so quickly.

That was the most embarrassing thing ever. There I was thinking, maybe he really did like me maybe thats why he wrapped his arms around me but then maybe it wasn't. He was so quick to get away from when the guys saw us.

I knew I wasn't going to let that go for the rest of the day was I really that bad to be seen with? Like what was he camera shy?

We had all gone home first to get changed and let our parents know we were alive and well but the while walk home I couldn't help but feel awkward. We all took the same route home with how close we all lived and it was definitely noticeable that Benny and I were kind of avoiding each other. Or at least I was, I couldn't face the fact that he was so appalled to be seen holding me. I couldn't walk next to him the way I usually do on the way home. Instead he walked Bertram and I walked with Kenny. I knew Kenny could tell something was up between us, I'm sure everyone could. Kenny was the one to take the photo so he had shown me the photo after seeing how Benny reacted, he knew I would have something to say or that I would feel awful.

At this point Kenny already lnew about my big fat crush on Benny, I mean how could he not, Kenny could always tell how I feel before I would even tell him. I didn't know how to feel or what to do I wasn't even sure I wanted to go back to the diamond today. But kenny convinced me to still come and show that it didn't affect me at all.

But how could I act as if it didn't affect me. Just that alone had broken my heart. I had so many hopes of him liking me back and now it was all screwed up. Even if it was or wasn't my fault.

After Kenny and I finished changing I reluctantly made my way with him. We had gotten there after Benny so when I walked onto the field I saw him watching Kenny and I, he looked sad almost, but how could he be the sad one when's he's not the one who had gotten embarrassed he was the one to embarrass me. He may not of realized it but the way he pulled away from me with no hesitation broke me with ease and I didn't know how to feel or go about the rest of my day.

I sat there on the complete opposite side from where he was sitting, I could feel his eyes burning through the back of my head as I spoke with Bertram. Kenny had gone to Benny and my other closest friend was Benny so I decided to chill with Bertram today.

Now we were just waiting for Squints and Yeah Yeah to return with the new baseball of the day after loosing yesterday's. If we had to sit here any longer I think I would melt like the wicked witch of the west did in the Wizard of Oz when Dorothy poured water on her. I sure wished someone would pour some water on me. It was way too hot to be out here in the first place. I was already wearing shorts and I had taken off the flannel I had on top of  tank top but it was still too hot. I was hoping today would be one of the days we would opt out for a day at the pool.

That was one of the only other things we did together besides play baseball and boy did I love going to the pool. I was currently in training to become a life guard but you had to be at least 16 to pass the course, so I still had at least 2 years of training
By the time Yeah Yeah and Squints made it to us, we had already drank through more than half the coke's we had in our mini cooler and it was barely helping. I was melting like a popsicle left out on the counter and me wearing my ll nokik hair down today wasn't helping either. I could feel the sweat coming down my neck and it was honestly disgusting.

Squints and Yeah yeah always take so long when we send them to get stuff. It's like they take a million different paths just to get to the sandlot. But its fine these are the only times where I get a true break from playing because no matter what we are always playing.

Benny was now standing up looking towards all of us as we sat in the dugout and Ham finally brought up what we were all thinking and whining about.

"I can't take it no more, Benny. I'm bakin' like a toasted cheeser!" I mean he was right it's just too hot.

"It's hotter than the fires of hell" Timmy said.

"It's hotter than a fish in a fryin' pan" Tommy said, I was honestly surprised that he didn't just repeat whatever Timmy said as he usually does.

"Come on, don't be wimpy," How could we be wimpy right now Benny?? It's hot as balls and we're still gonna run around and play baseball.

"Face it, Benny. It's not a fit day out for man nor beast. We gotta call it for the day." Squints was right today was not the day for baseball.

" Vote then. Everyone that wants to be a can't-hack-it panty waist, and wear their momma's bra, raise your hand." It was almost immediate when everyone rose their hand but at this point I think Benny could've said anything and everyone still would've risen their hands. No one was set to play baseball today. "Fine. Be like that. So what're we gonna do then?" We all knew what we were gonna do. It was like we all read each other's minds.

"SCAM POOL HONEYS" Thats what the guys said at least, I was simply just thinking going to the pool even it wasn't essentially the pool honeys like they would say because if any one of them would go up to any of them they would absolutely shit themselves.

Holy crap 3 chapters in one week is insane. Enjoyyy!!! More coming

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