17 | thanks. thanks a lot.

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Jesse Denunez

I decided to walk home alone today. After how Benny reacted to the article I figured maybe I shouldn't brag off to the guys about how great I am. I'm just going to go home and get ready for the celebratory dinner my parents planned.

I didn't think a stupid news article would make Benny act this way. He was mad and I could tell. Sure he tried to get me to talk throughout today but I could tell by the way he was playing that he was mad. He was mad that I got mentioned in the paper and he didn't. After all he's the "best player in town" and I'm just some girl. Some girl who's probably only getting mentioned because barely any other girls play sports.

But it's cool as Benny said. Cool. Nothing more nothing less. Just cool.

At dinner I stayed a little quiet, I couldn't get the thought of Benny feeling anger or jealousy towards me out of my head. Kenny checked up on me all throughout dinner but I just told him that I wasn't feeling well.

I went straight to my room after we got from the diner. I tried so hard to think about all the good that's going to come from this article. Its a step up on female representation and I worked hard for this, I shouldn't let another person's feelings on this determine how I feel about my own accomplishments....
Even if it is my own boyfriend.

Benny Rodriguez

Shit, I think I just messed things up so bad. I tried calling her but she didn't pick up either times. Then I realized maybe it's because she wasn't home. So when I called Ham , who lives closest to them, if they were home and he said they weren't I knew that she wasn't purposely ignoring my calls.

I figured I'll call her first thing tomorrow and so I did and she still didn't pick up. I went straight to her house to pick her up like I always do but Kenny said she left early to get a new ball for today's game. I decided maybe it's time to ask Kenny about what I can do. He's her twin after all, he must have an answer.

"I messed up. Big time, Ken" I started as we walked towards the sandlot hoping to bump into Jessie.

"Oh. I know" He looked at me now instead of the rock he had been kicking since we left his house.

"Oh God she told you! Oh I'm an ass. She probably hates me. She told me about the newspaper article and I stupidly let my feelings get the better of me and I barely even congratulated her. Crap I barely even acknowledged it. I'm a horrible boyfriend. And what's worse is that I'm still jealous, can you believe that I'm jealous of my own girlfriend!" I just blurted it all out, it feels so good to finally say something about it.

"Wait, so that's what this is about?" He stopped me on the sidewalk.

"What? Didn't she tell you all of that?" Now I'm confused.

"No, she didn't but I had figured it was something along those lines. She told me in the morning yesterday that she was excited to tell you about the article so I figured maybe you had said something mean or that you guys got into a fight before she could even tell you."
He looked at me like it was nothing.
"Hey, atleast I was somewhat right. All I knew for sure is that it had to have been caused by you and definitely not me this time." He just playfully nudged my shoulder with that comment.

"I'm surprised you're not mad that I was a jerk to your sister." With that comment his smile went away quick.

"Oh I'm pissed because your stupid ass just completely broke my sister's heart without even trying for what jealousy? Everyone knows you're the best baseball player in this damn town and you get recognition for it everyday even by Philips a guy who hates you just as much as you hate him. So you decide to yourself the one time Jessie actually gets recognized for something that she is also great at, that it's not fair that you're not getting the recognition that she is FINALLY GETTING!" Now he was mad. "Are you stupid? Actually, no don't answer that cus' I already know that answer. Yes, you are. Man I knew you could be a little dumb sometimes but I didn't know you were stupid. You couldn't put your own ego aside for one minute to properly congratulate my sister, your best friend. YOUR GIRLFRIEND FOR GODS SAKE! What the hell is wrong with you?" Once he finished talking he started to walk again so now it was my turn to walk and chase after him.

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