16| Jessie "Fastball" Denunez

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A/N sorry guys j a little filler cus inlike stirring chaos. 
Jessie Denunez

It's been only a week since Benny and I made it official. So far Kenny, Alahna and all the guys knew. Both our parents knew as well and the reason for that is Kenny can't keep his mouth shut but both parties didn't mind although my parents sat Kenny, me, AND Benny down for "the talk". And let me tell you, it was awkward and embarrassing.

I don't think many people know considering it's barely been a week. Well I mean Philips knew, so probably a good amount of our classmates knew. Philips was a major blabber mouth MUCH worse than Kenny. I just hope that word reaches Lucy Love, maybe it'll rub that smirk off her face.

Everyday since we became official, Benny dropped by every morning to walk Kenny and I to the Sandlot and he would walk me back home at the end of the day. We would usually take the long route so we wouldn't be bothered by the guys or my brother purposely third wheeling.

When we walked he always held my hand and I couldn't help but get butterflies. He walks me all the way to the door and kisses me on the cheek. But today we decided to stay back a bit because I wanted to practice my fastball. Benny played back catcher and caught every ball while I practiced.

After about an hour, it was practically dark so I thought it would be safer to have just walked the regular way.

"I wanna learn how to pitch with my left hand," I said swinging our arms between us. Benny gave me a skeptical look. "What? Wouldn't it be so cool to switch it up during games and pitch with both hands."

"I mean sure but it's not like you need a cool trick like that ur fastball already puts you ahead of most of the guys we know." He gave me a reassuring smile, showing me that my thought was a little weird but he still supported it.

"I know, BUT imagine how much I could rub that into Kenny's face." I said pointing my finger towards his cheek.

"He would hate it, you're right." We had made it to my front door already by the end of this conversation. Thankfully, I had already told my parents I would be late because I wanted to practice, so they wouldn't be mad.

"Thank you for walking me home and helping me practice." I smiled up at him as he held my hands and turned to me.

"You know I don't mind, it's what I can do," He kissed my cheek when he said that. "And it just gives us more time to be together without the others."

"You're right, it's nice. I like getting to hang out just us."

I kissed him on the lips this time and told him good night and that I would see him tomorrow.

"I'll pick you up, good night. and tell Kenny I could see him watching through the window."

"Wait?!? What!?" I turn quickly as Benny makes his way down my driveway. "KENNY!!" I say when I see him there against the window making faces at me.


Today was just like any normal day. Benny came and picked Kenny and I up. We grabbed Smalls afterwards on the way there.

It just felt like a good day today, Benny was holding my hand and Kenny and Smalls were racing. It was Kenny pitching day which I was fine with because I am way too lazy to pitch today. Turns out my name was pitched for an ad in the newspaper for female athlete of the year for youth and I GOT IT. Which I think is awesome, I was currently telling Benny all about it.

"I can't believe it, can you? They're gonna have a whole article dedicated to me and how it is being a female baseball/softball player. My coach even said my name would be listed as Jessie "Fastball" Denunez, Don't you just think that's awesome!" I said excitedly. I love how they're choosing to include my team nickname, only the best players get cool nicknames like that and it feels awesome to get recognition especially as a female player.

"Yeah, that's awesome." Benny said unconvincingly. He just smiled slightly and looked down.

"It's so exciting! Finally some true female recognition. None of that oh 'you play well for a girl' crap that I always get. Someone really understands how different it is to be a girl in sports." I kept marvelling on, this was possibly the best thing to ever happen to me. EVER!

"Yeah.. it's cool. Can we talk about something else now?" Benny said with a small roll of his eyes and a shrug. He seemingly didn't care as much as I did.

"Oh! yeah.. sorry." I figured I should maybe drop it. No matter how excited I was, I knew when to take a hint. He seemed almost unimpressed and uninterested in my biggest accomplishment.

We walked silently the rest of the way to the sandlot. I couldn't help but wonder why Benny didn't seem proud of me or at least happy for me. Maybe this was just a normal reaction, maybe the way Kenny jumped around with me is something only siblings or relatives would do, right?

Benny dropped my hand when we got to the sandlot which was weird because he usually held my hand all the way to the guys. I could definitely tell now, Benny seemed angry and sad in some way. Was Benny jealous? He couldn't be right, I mean he did grow cold when I told him about the news article, but theres no way. Benny is the greatest player in our town and he knows it. Maybe it's not anything like that at all, right?

Unless maybe he's angry at me. I sure hope he isn't. I shouldn't have flaunted it around him. I probably sounded cocky and like I was trying to rub it in his face or something. I don't know, all I know is that I definitely did something to set Benny off.

I decided to not tell the rest of the guys about the newspaper because maybe they'd all react like Benny and think I was bragging to them about how great I am. Now I'm glad that I was playing outfield. It was easier to hide my emotions if I were further away from the guys. I just hope Kenny doesn't say anything about it.

Benny Rodriguez

I'm a total ass. My girlfriend tells me about how she's going to be featured on the newspaper and all that comes to my mind is jealousy. I shouldn't be jealous. I should've hugged her and gave her a better congratulations but I didn't, I shrugged it off like it was nothing. This whole situation was amazing for Jessie but I can't help but think about myself and how I play.

I've been referred to as one of the best players in our town and somehow I've never gotten this type of recognition. Maybe I'm just an ass but I deserve something like this just as much as Jessie does, don't I?

It's unfair, isn't it? She's great but I'm great too. Oh god that makes me sound like a horrible person. why can't I just be happy for her. I saw the way her eyes lit up when she was talking about the article and I just shut down. I let go of her hand and stopped talking, no wonder she looks so out of it out there in outfield. She probably thinks she did something wrong. I'll talk to her right after we play right before we all go home. Maybe I can get her to go down the long way so I can apologize and hear all about her big accomplishment. I'm going to take the rest of this time to take in how bad of a boyfriend and friend, I'm being.

*Time Skip*

We've been playing all day and Jessie didn't even spare me a look all day. I tried handing her a coke when we took a break but she just walked away to go and talk to Ham. She probably told the guys and they definitely had a better reaction than me.

I went to go grab my stuff and walk her home like I have been even before we started dating. Even before it was just us two walking together, we would both walk with the guys but today she left faster than anyone. Which rose suspicion in all of us because she's usually the last to leave after me. I noticed that she had been quiet all day, not as smiley and bubbly like she usually is. The guys even asked me about it, I told them it was nothing but Kenny glared at me like he knew. And he probably did, even if she didn't tell him he knew. They had a way of reading each other.

I got ready to run after her to talk to her but Kenny stopped me and told me to leave her alone for a bit.

"Man, I don't know what's going on but I say you give her some space. Cus' she clearly don't wanna talk to anyone right now." I couldn't help but nod and turn away to help clean up before leaving as well. I have to talk to her.

Sorry for not updating in a while.
This lowk sucks but I just haven't had any time to write because of school but trust me better chapters are going to come out very soon!! Thanks for reading!!

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