ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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Staring out at the night sky, filled with beauty and passion. The stars shone brighter than anything. The wind had a subtle breeze, causing my hair to sway with it, while sending chills down my spine. I wondered how dark the world would be without the stars to shine the dark night sky. And then there was the beauty of the crescent moon, shining the brightest in the night sky. It was like in a movie, the stars would be the side characters, and the moon would be the main character. Showing the world what they're made of.

My thoughts were interrupted by my parents. They probably came home from work, more like drinking. They didn't have a job, and that led to them being poor. I had 4 other siblings, they were all younger than me. One by one they all died from either starvation, thrist, or because my parents beat them up so much. Honestly I don't even know why I'm still alive. My younger brother, Hiroto, is now the only one who is alive. He is 5 years younger than me, being 10 years old. I'm pretty sure Hiroto was outside playing with his rock which he calls his "friend."

When Hiroto saw our parents coming, he dashed inside. He looked like a scared dog, and I swore to myself that I would protect him, since I couldn't protect any of my other siblings. They all died young, and it was my duty as the older sister to protect them, and I failed. So I must protect Hiroto at any cost. When he came inside, he hid behind anything he could find. I went to him and sat beside him.

"Nee-san, what's going to happen, will Okaa-san and Otou-san hurt us again?" he asked, shaking with fear.

I smiled and hugged him gently.

"Hiroto, Okaa-san and Otou-san might do that, but I promise you won't even have a dent on you. I will take all the hits," I said, reassuring him.

"B-But Nee-san!" he exclaimed.

"Sssh Hiroto, I promised that I would protect you. I won't let those monsters hurt, I promise," I said looking deep into his eyes.

Hiroto looked as if he felt guilty, he was trying to say that it wasn't fair, but I kept on telling him it was fine. Suddenly a door burst open. It was our parents. I crunched my eyebrows while looking at the disgusting state they were in right now. They had a strong scent of alcohol. Hiroto was plugging his nose from the disgusting smell. Mother saw what faces we were making, and started to complain.

"Why are you making that face huh? You think we're disgusting?" mother said.

"Yeah, we work hard all day and your only greeting is a disgusted face?" father replied.

Letting y'all know that there will be abuse so if you want, please skip until you see another sentence with bold letters.

Mother took a vase that was nearby and was aiming for Hiroto. The vase was coming to him at full speed.

I promise I'll protect you!

I quickly jumped, and put my arm out, hoping that was where the vase was going. Sure enough it was. I stabbed through my skin sending an urge of pain through my body.

"WHAT THE HELL! THAT WAS FOR THE BOY!" mother yelled at me, kicking me for interfering.

I saw that in the corner of my eye, my father was about to hit Hiroto with his shoes. I tried to get up, but the pain in my arm, and the blood rushing through was too much.

"You little runt, you can't do anything can you? I might as well hit you until you toughen up huh twerp?" father said to Hiroto. Hiroto was shaking in fear. The sight of him skating in fear struck guilt into my heart.

I got up and pushed my mother out of the way and shielded Hiroto from the shoe. It hit my shoulder really hard. I winced in pain.

"N-Nee-san-" Hiroto was trying to talk, but was too scared.

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