ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟝

370 19 8

I saw that there was a package, so I decided to open it. It was by my former sensei Urokodaki-sama. I opened the package and I was surprised.

It was a haori with a galaxy-like pattern. Of a fading hot pink to a dark purple, with white stars scattered everywhere. I smiled, I loved it. I hugged it tight, embracing the warmth and hard work Urokodaki must have gone through to make it. I put it on with my uniform, it looked great.

(Note: Since you have a long and loose uniform like Muichiro, that means you have loosened ends, so if your wondering, Urokodaki made the ends of your arms sleeves wide on your haori so it matches your uniform)

I saw Akako flying towards me, so she gave me my next mission. I nodded and went towards the mission.

While you were at your mission

At the Ubuyakushi Estate

"Kyojiro I have summoned you to a one on one meeting with me as you can see," Ubuyakushi stated as he sat down on his pillow with the help from Natsuki.

"YES MASTER! What must be the issue?" Rengoku asked.

"As you know, a few months back I talked about a young demon slayer who was able to kill multiple demons at once. I heard she was out on the same mission with Tokito a month back, and she was able to kill 24 demons easily. At first it was a hunch that she could rocket through the ranks, but now I am sure, that is why I have called you here today. I want you to teach her a few things and help her rise through the ranks since in your area there haven't been any urgent missions or any dangerous demons, show her the way of the Hashira," Ubuyakushi said.


25 demons at once?? What breathing technique does she use? Rengoku thought.

"Master, is she still a Mizunoto?" Rengoku asked.

"No, I decided to make her go up a few ranks. Right now she is Tsuchinoto," Ubuyakushi said.

"I SEE!" Rengoku said.

As the conversation ended, Akako returned to the Ubuyakushi estate to say that your mission was a success. Rengoku smiled and said that he would be taking off. He left the room and went home while Ubuyakushi told Akako to tell Akasuki that Rengoku the Flame Hashira will be your sensei for the time being.

Back to you

I had finished the mission and I was hungry, so I went to a restaurant where they sold a bunch of ramen. I bought a whole 2 weeks of supply so I wouldn't have to worry. I bought it all and thanked the owner of the restaurant. I noticed that Akako wasn't here, but I shrugged it off. She was probably telling the master that I did well on my mission or something. Actually no she wouldn't, she hates admitting I'm better than her.

I went home and made a bowl of ramen, and after eating it I went to bed.

Few hours later...


What the... what's that noise- I thought as I woke up from my sleep.


Huh? Is it an animal? It'll go away- I thought until-


Ok WHAT THE HELL IS THAT- I thought as I walked out, and- I saw a weird man with shoulder length hair, yellow with red on the ends. He had reddish-yellow eyes. And he was eating... ALL MY RAMEN I BOUGHT THE OTHER DAY!


"OH! You must be Akasuki Takahashi, I am your new sensei from direct orders by Master. Also I was eating your ramen cause they looked great! And there were a lot of them!" Rengoku replied.

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