ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜

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I ran through the Miyagi region trying to find my way to Okinawa. Akako was giving me directions as to where the mission was going to be held. Or a through as I saw another fellow demon slayer running ahead of me. I didn't bother budding into his mission cause it might be serious.

He must have a mission in Miyagi. I should hurry up on my mission like that dude was. I thought.

I started to run faster than I was before, determined to help the women who were getting eaten by those pitiful and annoying demons. Suddenly I stopped at the paradise-like smell.

"Mhmmmmm RaMeN" I said with a rather weird voice.

It wouldn't hurt if I was like 15 minutes late, plus I'll run the fastest I can.

I walked up to the ramen store.

"Hello young lady, what should you like to order?" The woman asked.

"Umm, I'll eat your finest ramen there is," I replied confidently.

"CAW CAW! TAKAHASHI SAMA YOU MUST NOT BE LATE," Akako annoyingly screeched.

"Urusai, don't be so loud, remember normal citizens don't know there are weird talking crows out there or demon slayers. And don't worry, it'll take like 5 minutes," I said, acting like I was way more superior than her.

Akako scrunched her eyebrows trying to face the truth that I was correct and she was wrong. I grinned as I knew what I said was true. Akako hated being proven wrong. She always wants to believe she is always right.

"Here you go miss," the old lady came out from the curtains with a delicious ramen in her hands. I could visibly feel the saliva coming out of my mouth.

I quickly slurped up all the ramen within 10 minutes, and then I laid the money on the table and started to run. I ran for another 15 minutes and then I finally arrived. When I was looking for the demon, I heard a cry for help.


I crunched my eyebrows, I had already figured it out.

"I know," I replied.

I started to run a lot faster, the fastest I could run.

How the frick does she run that fast, I can't even keep up and I'm FLYING! Akako thought as she was stunned with how fast you could run.

When Akako and I found the spot of the action, I saw the demon slayer that was running while I was staring at ramen dead. I blinked trying to process what was happening. His head was the last thing before he would disappear into the abyss of the demon's stomach.

This is my fault, if I was faster I could have saved him, a valuable member of the corps, if only I wasn't so addicted to ramen! I thought as I still blinked at the dead slayer.

"Mmmmmm a merachi~" said the demon, crawling out from the bush he was hiding in.

I was dead staring at the demon, as anger filled slowly and slowly.

The demon had long fingers, 3 feet tall, and black hair. His purple eyes shone bright under the beaming night sky. He licked his mouth as he drooled. He was giggling. I stared at him disgusted.

Ugh these damn demons. I thought.

"You demon slayers sure are weak, I can kill you guys with one slash of an attack," he said as he grinned.

Ugh I don't know how his blood demon art works, I'll have to try and dodge, and as soon as I see him repeat the same moves, I'll be able to analyze and use it against him.

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