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→ At first when you heard Muichiro saying that you were his relative, you thought you misheard him, so you just ignored his statement.

→ Gyokko thought you were really powerful, which is why he stated you as "2 hashiras" when you and Muichiro were fighting him.

→ You got your mark around 4 minutes after Muichiro.

→ Shinazugawa is the only hashira whom you don't get along with.

→ Kanao did not want to tell you the plan about Shinobu purposely wanting to be absorbed because she didn't know if she was allowed.

→ Senjuro really admires you.

→ All the other demon hunters are somewhat scared by your presence, because it's almost as sharp as the Snake pillar.

→ Hinatsuru really likes you because you saved her from Gyutaro, along with Tanjiro.

→ Kanroji really likes you as a friend/sister

→ Genya thinks you're a really cool person, and so does Inosuke, which is why Inosuke is always like "FIGHT ME" because he wants to surpass you.

→ You went up to rank Hinoe after taking down Gyokko.

→ Muichiro REALLY likes you (Not like love) and he admires you a lot as well.

→ You respect Ubuyakushi from the bottom of your heart, so when he died, it was like losing one of your siblings, he was like a father to you.

→ Mitsuri taught you some Love breathing forms because she was bored, and so were you.

→ When Urokodaki found out you were lost for a while, he thought you were dead and was getting flashbacks about his past students like Makomo and Sabito.

→ When Urokodaki heard you were alive, he let out a huge sigh of relief and stress went down as well.

→ You sent letters to Senjuro, and Urokodaki.

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