ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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Tanjiro hurriedly held onto my hand as he ran through the forest

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Tanjiro hurriedly held onto my hand as he ran through the forest. He was faster than an average human. He must have been through horribly difficult training, yet he still smiles easily.

You're a very strong girl, Akasuki.

It's like you got some power.

Surprisingly I was able to keep up, and I ran with Tanjiro. He looked surprised as well.

"Takahashi-san, have you done any demon slayer training?" he asked.

"Huh, demon slayer- Um, no," I replied quickly.

"It's amazing how you're able to keep up, I knew you were a special one! I think you can become a demon slayer really early on!" I exclaimed happily.

Am I actually capable of such things? I thought to myself, while I looked up at Tanjiro. I wondered what he was thinking about.

Tanjiro POV

This is great! Now we have another strong person who is worthy of being a demon slayer. She can even keep up with my speed,despite me training for 2 whole years and she has done any demon slayer training whatsoever. I thought.

I looked back at Akasuki who was looking at me. I blushed slightly from embarrassment.

"U-Uh do you need anything?" I was startled.

She looked surprised and turned her head to the other side.

"N-No, I am so sorry," she replied. I smiled and held her hand a bit tighter as I started to run a bit faster.

And then again, Akasuki was able to keep up with me. This was definitely surprising. We stopped running when dawn arose, and we found a ramen shop nearby.

"Wanna go to the ramen shop for a while? You must be very tired," I said looking at her, then my eyes were wide in shock.

She wasn't even panting in exhaustion, nor did it look like she broke a sweat. She looked perfectly normal.

"I'm perfectly fine," she replied bluntly.

"O-okay, but you must be hungry at least, here let me get you a bowl of ramen," I replied. I was still so curious and wanted to ask questions to her. She had potential, even I as a Mizunoto could see that.




"Hello, I would like to get 2 bowls of ramen," I asked the ramen shop man.

"Of course, coming right up!" he replied.

While he was cooking, I decided to ask Akasuki-san some questions.

"Akasuki-san, you ran for 6 hours straight, how are you not tired?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know, I'm pretty surprised myself, I didn't know my stamina was that good," she replied, having the same confused expression as me.

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