chater 8

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^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^^

"Maybe we should push her to the next level" the blonde said as he looked at Papa...they thought i could do more than what i was showing.

"i don't think she's ready! She can barely produce fire let along burn something!" Papa said as he raked his fingers through his greying hair..

They talked like i wasnt there. "I am ready" i spoke quietly

Papa jumped slightly and looked back at me narrowing his eyes.

"You think your ready?" He questioned me. Papa slowly walked over to me and grabbed my chin, making me look up at him.

"You are not ready three....the next level is harder than the first level" he saud as he ran the pads of his fingers along my cheek.


"LANGUAGE THREE I KNOW WHATS BEST FOR YOU!" Papa yelled back,standing up straight, towering over me.

I started breathing heavy, feeling steam erupt off of my body. "NO YOU DONT! IVE BEEN READY! JUST BECAUSE IM DIFFERENT DOSNT MEAN ANYTHING!" My body became hot.

"Oh really" with that Papa let out a dark laugh "Get the collar" papa said as he looked back at the blonde man.

'The collar?!" I thought to myself...

"Youll learn one way or another Three" papa said as the blonde man walked out the room, hanging his head low.

Papa strides over to me and grabbed me by my hospital gown.

"LET ME GO YOU TWISTED BASTERED" I yelled as I grabbed onto his arm and forced my body to excite normal temperatures.

papa's suit started to burn. He yell as he pushed me down.

Smoke from the burning suit and skin filled the rainbow room.

I stood up and bolted, hitting the doors and busting them open.

"THREE" Papa screamed as he held onto his burned arm.

I ran, my bare feet making small sounds as they hit the polished tile.

"Run three" The blonde screamed as i ran past him.

"STOP HER!" Papa screamed.

I was breathing harder as i heard heavy foot steps behind me.

I saw an elevator in the distance...100 feet away.

I didnt look back as i forced my legs to run faster, I ran till my hand hit the elevator button.

I turned to face who was chasing me...a small group of doctors.

I held my hand out and screamed.

Fire festered in my palm before building up and firing at the men.

Their bodies became consumed by flames.

Skin melted off of bones, Turing into a paste, bones fried and turned as black as tar, their organs burned and turned into ash.

I heard the elevator ping as it opened.

I quickly hoped in the metal box.

"THREE DONT YOU DARE" Papa screamed.

My breathing was hard as my trembling fingers pressed the up button, trigging the doors to shut.

A minute passed the the elevator went up to the top floor yet as soon as the door opened i was bombarded with army soldiers.

"GET HER" a bulky man yelled.

I froze, i felt pain rush through my neck.

I yelped and fell to my knees, seeing my world start to blur.

I reached my shaky hand to my neck and pulled a needle from the soft skin.

I looked at the needle as my breathing became the only thing i could hear..

I felt something clamp around my neck and a small ding.

"Thank you men" i heard a distorted voice say.

Arms wrapped around my torso and legs as i was lifted up.

My body was going numb and my vision was going black as all the colors blended togeather.....than everything went dark...

"Y/n!" Dustin screeched, pulling me from my memories.

"Huh?" I jumped slightly and looked at the kids.

"You spaced out like hell for....3 minutes" Lucas muttered as he looked over me.

"Yeah sorry" i muttered as i fiddled with my hands.

"So...can we just dress eleven up and hide her? We cant keep her in my basement" Mike said as he side glanced at Eleven, who was muching on a waffle.

"No....eleven is strong....theyll be after her more than they were me.....she'll need to stay down here till i say Other wise......she cannot be seen by anyone and i mean that" i said as i pushed my palms on the couch and pushed myself up.

"Watch who you trust.....theyll be hiding every ill be back" with that i rushed upstairs.

"Oh hey Y/n!" Karen said with a smile as she tried to feed Holly.

"Hello Mrs.Wheeler" i muttered as i started to scratch at my skin, getting more nervous by the second.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Holly chanted as she bounced around in her high chair.

"Hi holly" i said with a forced smile as i rushed to the door.

"When did we get another kid?" Ted grumbled from his lazy boy.

"Ted! You know that's Joyce's kid" Karen said as she eyed her husband who just grumbled.

I fumbled to open the door but once i did i ran out and ran to my car. It was dark and rain was falling.

"Y/n! You can't leave me here!" Dustin said with a snarky tone as he rushed out.

"Yeah shit sorry...i cant handle much "interrogation" " I mutteres as i opened my car door and got in.

Dustin got in the passanger seat.

12 minutes later we made it back to Mrs.Henderson's house.

Once we both walked in we were met with a angry Mrs.Henderson.

"Dustin and y/n! You two are late!"(my dumbass forgot what day we're in here) Mrs.Henderson.

"Yeah sorry we went out for some food" i quickly said and looked down at Dustin.

"Yeah! We did we where hungry and Y/n's cooking is horrible" Dustin said with a toothless smile.

I gasped and looked down at the curly haired boy. "That was rude" i muttered

"Well i was bringing little ol Dusty I'm going to Joyce's..."

~~~Time skip im lazy as fuck~~~

I pulled up to Joyce's house and took in a deep breath.

I opened my car as i felt my stomach churn. I can do this....i stood up and shut the door and slowly walked to her porch.

My confidence crumbled the closer i got to her door.

I took in a deep breath as i reached the door. I raised my hand and knocked.

Within a second Joyce yanked the door open.

"Y/n" she breathed out slowly as she wrapped her slender arms around me, embracing me tightly.

Tears flowed down my face as i hugged her back, burying my face on her shoulder. "I am so sorry" i cried out.

Joyce rubbed my back and gripped my shirt "its okay baby...its okay" she said through a broken voice

I knew it wasnt okay.....

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now