season 2 chapter 6

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(Hey yeah i know my chapter updates are a little slow RN but! I will try to update at least once or twice a week! My school starts soon so i won't have a schedule for a while sorry about that!)

^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Steve rolled his eyes in anger as he watched Billy flirt with Y/n.

Steve knew Y/n wasn't his girl...but he still felt jealous about all of it....

Steve turned on his heels and walked to Nancy's locker. If y/n was playing the flirting game with Billy...maybe Steve could make Y/n jealous too...

Steve took the sunglasses off his shirt and put them on and waited for Nancy.

Nancy and Johnathen approached the locker Steve stood beside.

"Just come okay? Itll be fun!" Nancy said as she opened her locker.

Steve rolled his eyes under his sunglasses as he stepped behind Nancy and wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her up slightly.

Nancy squeaked and turned around while still in Steves arms.

"Oh my god...take those stupid things off" Nancy said as she caught her breath and looked at Steve's face, seeing the sunglasses.

"I missed you" Steve said with a smile as he glanced over Nancy's shoulder, not seeing Y/n and Billy anymore.

"Its been like an hour" Nancy said as steve took the sunglasses off.

"Yeah tell me about it" Steve said as he put his hand on Nancy cheek and kissed her.

To Nancy the kiss still didn't feel real....she saw how Steve looked at Y/n, how jealous he got seeing her with Nancy knew...that her and Steve's relationship might crumble to the floor.

Steve gently pulled Nancy closer while wishing that it was Y/n that he was kissing.

"Okay okay okay god" Nancy said as she pulled away from Steve and stepped back infront of her locker.

Steve smirked and whispered a sorry as Nancy looked behind her, no longer seeing Johnathen, she looked to her right and saw Johnathen walking off.

Nancys smile dropped as he walked away, hands in his pockets and head down.
^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

"Theres no way that's MADMAX" Mike whispered out as he watched the new girl, Max, skate around.

"Yeah girls don't play videogames...well...other than Y/n...she dosnt do many things that girls do" Will said as he grabbed onto the fence.

Dustin and Lucas stood behind Mike and Will, they both wanted to speak up but they where mesmerized by Max...

She was pretty. The sun bounced off of her elegantly, making her glow, the wind twisted and ran through her hair making her look like she was the main character in a romcom movie.

"And even if they did you cant get 750,000 points on Dig Dug" Mike said as his eyes locked on Max.

"It's impossible" Mike added again.

"But her name is Max" Lucas forced out. He felt like he was drawn to had sparked in him...

"So what?" Mike asked as he scrunched his face up and looked at Lucas.

"So, how many Max's do you know?" Lucas asked

"I don't know" Mike replied

"Zero... exactly zero" Lucas said with an eye roll.

"Yeah and she shows up to school the day after someone with her name breaks our top score..i mean you kidding me?" Dustin added as he grabbed onto the chain fence.

"Excatually! So she's got to be MADMAX shes got to be!" Lucas said with a small smile, still keeping his eyes on Max.

Max hopped off her skate bored and used her foot to flip it up into her hand.

"And plus she skate boreds so shes pretty awesome" Dustin added.

"Awesome? You haven't even spoken a word to her!" Mike said, having a slight attitude when he spoke.

Dustin looked at mike "i dont have to! Just look at her- shit ive lost the target" Dustin said as he looked back at the fence and didnt see Max at all.

Will looked over to the side and saw red hair...the more he looked, the more he relized that it was Max.

"There" Will said as he slowly stepped from the fence, the party following him.

Mike,Dustins, and Lucas's eyes fell on Max again. Max was zooming up the stairs, her skate bored clutched tightly under her arm.

Max looked around before crumbling up a thing of paper and dropping it into a trash can.

Lucas and Dustin exchanged looked before running to the can, with Mike and Will following behind them.

Dustin instantly started digging through the trash, looking for the paper, while the rest of the party stood by him, waving uncomfortably at people who passed by.

"Got it! There we go!" Dustin said, rather proudly, as he uncrumbling the paper ball.

"Stop spying on me CREEPS"

the party read the note out loud.

"Well shit" Dustin muttered, knowing that they have been caught.

"William Byers" a voice said.

Will turned around, locking eyes with the principle.

"Your mother's here" The principle added.

Will sighed in relief, it was only his mother.

^^^Will P.O.V^^^

I walked down the halls with the principle.

People turned and looked at me...i knew they where judging me...

If Y/n was here...she'd yell at everyone who looked at me wrong...that thought made me smile...

The principle walked me outside and i saw mom, leaning against her car with a cigarette between her fingers.

Once she saw me she put on a smile and waved to me.

^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

"You think hes okay?" Dustin asked as they saw Will get in his mother's car.

"Hes always weird when he has to go in" Lucas added.

"I dont know...he was quiet today" Mike said as he scrunched his face up.

"Hes always quiet" Lucas added as the car drove off.

^^^y/n P.O.V^^^

I sat on the trunk of my car, talking with Billy, well...i was talking, Billy was mostly flirting with me.

Billy soon sat next to me and put his large hand on my upper thigh.

I shifted slightly and looked over at him.

" going to that girls Halloween party?" He asked as he started rubbing my thigh.

"I...i don't know yet" i choked out as i looked away from him, my face flushed red.

He hooked his free hand under my chin and turned my head to look at him.

This action triggered memories that I tried to store away. Memories of that man from the lab...the nice blond man who took me under his wing and protected me...

"Are you okay?" Billy asked with a smirk.

"Im fine" I muttered as he let go of my chin.

"Well...i hope to see you at the party" Billy said with a wink as he hopped off the trunk and went to his own car.

I giggled and looked into the distance..

And there...leaning against the school..was Steve, his eyes locked onto mine, and a filled expression contorted onto his face.

My face scrunched up as i turned away from Steve.....

What was up with him?....

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now