season 2 chapter 14

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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

3 scientists in all white suited up a guy who they knew wouldn't make it back, they walked him into a room where only a thin layer of glass separated them from the otherwordly portal that had consumes the room.

The other men stepped out and shut the door behind them while the suited up man stayed in the glass room.

The man inside the room said a small prayer to himself, a prayer that he would come back out of this alive, a prayer that he would be able to see his perfect wifes face after this, and that he will see his 3 kids, rushing up to him and engulfing him in hugs..but..he knew his chances of making it out where close to 0...

The doors in front of him hissed opened and his heart started to drum against his ribs so hard it echoed in his helmet.

He walked out the doors, carrying a case in his hands tightly. He eyed the almost dead looking portal that had onced oozed a red, luring, red light.

He took a deep breath as he walked up the step stool and to the portal.

He reached his cloth covered hand to the portal and pushed it in. The portal made a sickening sound as it engulfed his gloved hand in a slick, gooey substance that almost made the man gag.

He pushed passed the sick feeling and forced his whole body through ghe portal.

Many other scientists looked at a Tv that showed whatever the small camera on the man's suit showed.

Static flashed and hissed before an eerie landscape was seen, then static flashed again, before going back to the landscape.

"Hows it looking out there, Mark?" (I KNOW HE SAYS "COWBOY" BUT IDCCC IM WRITING THIS HOW I WANT 😤) A man holding a mug said into a microphone.

"Um...ya know, Doc. The usual... Nice and nasty with a chance of Radioactivity" he whispered out in a shake voice, scared the monsters that loomed around might find him...

The Tv screen kept flashing to static as the man watched, making sure to analyze everything that marks camera picked up.

He watched as Mark sat down his case and opened up a small metal door that sat stationed on a gloomy vine covered small building.

"Oh, yeahhh its Barbecued all right. Anyone hungry?" Mark said, as he rolled the object in his hands. He was trying to keep the mood light although he was panicking like something crazy.

Mark heard no answer from the other side so he just sighed and took out the replacement object and hooked it up. "Annnnnddd-" Mark started but the Tv flashed to static.

"WERE BACK ON!!!" A plump man said as the power to that station flickered back on quite quickly.

Other scientists in the room clapped, they were all shocked that Mark had survived.

After a while... The man holding the mug (who's name i don't remember) left and walked into another room, one with noone in it but cameras.

On one of the cameras, there was a small young boy, sitting in a chair, his mom and a doctor beside him. (Its Will and Joyce and a doctor!)

"Okay. So... How did you feel when you saw this... Storm?" The doctor asked the young boy.

"..i...i felt frozen" the boy muttered as he nervously gripped the arms of the chair.

"Like.. Frozen? Cold?" The doctor asked, cocking his head to the side.

"No... Like how you feel when your scared" The boy answered yet again.

The man watched the TV screen with the boy on it. The man knew that the boy was still having visions about the upside down.. Those visions mean that the boy was connected to it..

" cant breath or talk or do anything" the boy added onto what he said.

The man held a stress ball in his hand as he drummed his thick fingers against the TV.

"I felt... I felt this... Evil.."

At that... The man switched off the TV.

___At Hawkins high___

Nancy and Steve sat in the library, both of them worked in silence as countless thoughts played through their minds.

Nancys mind was on passing and making her paper as perfect as perfect can be, while Steve, Steve had his mind on Y/n.

His mind was gushing with thoughts about her. How she sounded, how she swayed her hips when she walked, how she dressed, how she laughed, and how she smiled at all of his corny jokes.

Y/n was on his mind so badly to the point when he went to write his own name on his paper, he wrote Y/n's instead.

Out of nowhere, Nancy started to bare down harder and those sweet thoughts of passing her classes left her mind...then.. The tip of her pencil broke.

Nancy let a huff of air leave her lips as she pushed herself out of her seat so aggressively that it snapped Steve out of his lovey dovey thoughts.

Steve side eyed Nancy as she walked off to the pencil sharpener.

Nancy stuck her pencil into the sharpener and grabbed the handle and started twisting the handle. As Nancy did.. Her eyes caught onto someone who looked like a carbon copy of her long gone friend.. Barb...

Nancy felt more horrid thoughts enter her brain as she kept her eyes on the person. "Barb, just go ahead and go home, okay?" Those words flashed through Nancy's mind. Those words that stuck in her brain.

If only she had not told Barb to go, maybe she would still be alive.

"Steve! She will be okay! Dustin will look over her.. Now put her down and lets go she will wake up soon" those words flashed next along with Steves love struck eyes as he looked at Y/ns passed out body that he cradlrd in his arms with such care (happened when I wrote season one)

"Nancy?" Barbs scared voice floatrd in her foggy mind "NANCY!!!" this time it was a voice of pain..

"Nancy!" Steve said as he lightly gripped Nancy's shoulder.

Nancy looked at Steve, pain in her eyes...

Maybe Barb died due to her..

Maybe Steve was drifting away, losing feelings ... Because of her......

Maybe...just maybe... Everything was her fault....

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now