season 2 chapter 5

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^^^Will P.O.V^^^

I walked into school a bit before Johnathen and Y/n..i has missed a whole year so i wanted to come early so I can maybe catch up on what i had missed.

I opened my locker and went to grab my books....but i saw a piece of paper.

I grabed the paper and saw it was from the local news paper. "The boy who came back to life" was the title of the paper...but...people had scribbled x's on my eyes and the words "Zombie boy" on the paper.

I felt ashamed for all of this...maybe i should have died in that place.....

I looked around, seeing no one who could have possibly did this..

I sighed as the bell rang. I put the news slip into my locker and grabbed my books.

^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

"Meet the human brain" mr.clarke said as he sat down a plastic, oddly realistic model of the human brain.

"I know i know it dosnt look like much" He started as he looked among the class. Everyone but Dustin looked slightly annoyed and bored.

"A little gross even..right? But consider this...there are a hundred billion cells inside this mirical (??? I cant spell) of evolution" Mr.Clarke said.

Dustin had a smile on his face as he looked over at his friend, Lucas, and smiled wide.

Mr.Clarke kept talking till the door opened and the red haired girl from before walked in with the principle.

"Ah this must be our new student!" Mr.Clarke said as he stopped mid lesson to look at the the red haired girl.

Everyone's eyes where on her.

"Indeed she is" the principle said before walking out.

The red head went to walk to the nearest empty seat.

"Alright hold up there you don't get off that easy" Mr.Clarke said.

The red head groaned silently
"Come on dont be shy" he said as he ushered the girl next to his desk.

"Dustin...Drum roll" Mr.Clarke said.

Dustin started tapping his hands repeatedly on his desk.

"Class please welcome...all the way from sunny California..the latest passanger to join us on our curiosity voyage..MAXINE!" Mr.clake said,Dramatically as he turned his hands towards Maxine.

"Its Max" max spoke just right above a whisper.

"Sorry?" Mr.clarke asked not hearing her.

"No one calls me Maxine...its Max" Max said slightly louder.

Dustins smile dropped....what if SHE was MADMAX?

Lucas looked over at Dustin and whispered "MADMAX".

"Well all aboard max" Mr.Clarke said with a warm smile.

Max rolled her eyes as she walked to a seat in the back of the class.

Will,Mike,Lucas, and Dustin all looked back at Max...all of them thinking the same thing...

No way shes MADMAX

Max caught the party looking at her and as quickly as they could they all looked back at the front of the class.

^^^Y/N P.O.V^^^

Class had ended and i was walking with Johnathen and Nancy down the crowded halls.

At the door frame Tina was handing out flyers to her big Halloween party.

"Hey nancy!" Tina said as she haded Nancy a flyer.

Nancy took it and me and Johnathen walked passed her, i was slightly hoping to get a flyer but...Tina skipped both me and Johnathen...she looked at us with disgust..

"Hey could i get two more?" Nancy asked as she went back.

Nancy than jumped infront of me and Johnathen with a big smile on her face.

She held the Flyers out to us and we slowly took them.

"You guys are coming to this" she added as she mainly looked at Johnathen.

"Come and get sheet faced" i read off the flyer with a slight giggle.

"No im not" Johnathen said, disculding me from the conversation.

"I cant let you sit alone on Halloween its unacceptable" Nancy said as she locked eyes with Johnathen before readjusting her books.

" can relax im not going to be alone" Johnathen said.

Nancy looked at him confused "im going trick or treating with Will" he said with a smile.

"All night?" Nancy asked.

"Yup" he added.

"I can take over watching Will" i spoke up.

"Yeah see? She'll take over for you" Nancy said with a smile.

Nancy and Johnathen kept up their bickering while i looked into the distance.

Not to far away...was the hot new student who's name I haven't caught yet.

"Hey ill meet you two outside" i said as i walked away from them.

I slowly walked behind the blonde man, hoping to get to talk to him.

He walked out from the crowd than turned swiftly on his heels and locked eyes with me.

I jumped slightly and my eyes widened.

I saw him lick his bottom lip as he eyed me up and down.

"Well hey again" his voice was low and gruff sounding...the kind of sound that sent shivers down my spine.

"Oh hi" i stuttered out as i tried to look at everything but him.

I heard him chuckle. "Now that i think of it...i didnt catch your name last time I saw you" he said moving closer.

I looked at him, his ocean blue eyes locking with my E/c ones.

"Oh Y/n Byers!" I said excitedly as i extended my hand to him.

"Billy Hargrove" he said with a smirk as he took my hand in his and shook it.

His hand waa rather large compared to mine...

"Wait...are you related to Johnathen byers?" He asked as he leaned against the wall beside us.

"Um his T-Twin sister" i stummbled over my words as i spoke to Billy.

"Well looks like Johnathen got all the bad genetics because you are one fine lady" he said as he leanded to my height and his voice going low.

I felt shivers run down my spine as my body heated up.

"Aww...your cute when your face goes all red" Billy said as he slowly cupped my cheek and ran the pad of his thumb over my cheek.

^^^Steve P.O.V^^^

I looked away from the crowd and saw that Billy Hargrove guy with Y/n.

Y/ns face was red and Billy had his hand cupped on y/ns cheek.

I felt someting strike in me.... Jealousy i think...

Billy was taking my popularity and The girl i was crushing on....

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now