season 2 chapter 7

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I sat on the floor in the rainbow room, more small origami figures laid out infront of me.

"At it again aren't we?" The soft gental voice of the blonde man rang out.

I lifted my head and looked up at him, smiled and nodded, before looking back at the figures that i wanted to burn.

The man sat down infront of me crossing his legs.

"What...what are you doing sir?" I asked as i looked at him,he only smiled sweetly.

" me Peter..and I'm here to see if you can do it! Well...i already know you can" he said as he patted my shoulder.

The blonde, or peter always believed in me no matter what. If i failed a task Peter would be there to cheer me up and comfort me.

When i got beat up..the only one around to help me was Peter...not papa or any guard...but Peter.

"Focus on a memory..someting that makes you you got beat up and papa didnt believe you..that made you mad didnt it?"

"Yes it is" i whispered as i channelled all my energy.

"Three what are you on about? 2 and 4 didn't beat you up! They would never!" Papa yelled as he circled around me.

"But...Papa! I swear they did!" I cried out as i watched him.

"You know what happens when we lie....get the collar" Papa said as he looked at the blonde man.

The collar?!

I started to panic, my eyes dashed around...i could run for the exit.....but they would catch me....

Papa harshly grabbed my arm and yanked me to him before clasping a collar around my neck.

My fingers clawed at the rugged collar than my eyes went to the blonde man.

He mouthed a "im sorry" to me before papa turned a dial and pressed a button

"AH!" i felt a a tazer like shock flow through my body, keeping me in place and caused me alot of pain.

I clenched my jaw as my knees gave out and i collapsed to the floor, papa turned the dial again and the pain got worse.

I tried to scream or claw at the collar but my voice broke and my body couldn't move.

I felt my vision fade in and out and the last thing i saw was 2 and 4 laughing at me....

"You did it!" Peter cheered.

I opened my eyes and saw all the paper figures had set ablaze.

I raised my hand to my face and wiped the blood from my nose than looked at Peter with a smile.

I lunged myself at him and wrapped my arms around him tightly, hugging him.

Peter seemed to go into a panic mode. He returned the hug before getting me off of him and looking at the cameras.

My brows knitted togeather as i looked at peter.

Than, papa busted into the rainbow room and called all the children.

~~~~~~~~Time skip by peter getting his ass DRAGGED~~~~~~~~~~~

I didn't see peter for the rest of the day....and its already night time.

I felt like something was wrong, i paced around my room.

I looked at my door than rushed to it and tugged on the was locked.

I forced my body to heat to rise and pushed all my energy into my hand.

The metal door knob started to sizzle and melt..till it fell off.

I reached my hand outside the door through the newly formed hole and unlocked my door.

I walked outside my room, feeling the cold tiles on my bare feet.

I slowly walked down the halls of the lab, it felt eerie here at night....

I kept walking till i heard a sounded like Peter.

I ran in the direction of the noise till i stopped infront of a room....

I looked inside and saw people stabbing at peter with cow tazers...papa was standing infront of him saying something.

It pained me to see them do this to Peter....i felt tears prickle in my eyes as he let out another scream.

Something in me switched and all my fear turned to anger...

They had no right to hurt him!

My body heat started to rise and i stood back, and held my hands out infront of me.

Fire festered in my palms as Peter let out another scream.

I let out a scream as the fire shot out and hit the metal door, melting it.

Blood rolled from my nose as the men and papa looked at me.

More fire festered in my hands as i locked eyes with them.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE" I screeched out.

The men exchanged looks before rushing at me, tazers in hand.

I screamed as i held my hands in both of their directions and forced the fire out.

The two men caught on fire and started to burn alive.

Blood dripped from both of my nostrils as i looked at Papa, anger and hate filled my mind.

I stepped forward, papa stepped back.

"You hurt him" i whispered out as i stepped into the room, dodging the melted door.

"Three....i had to" papa said in a shaky voice.

"You hurt the one who protects me!" I screamed as i looked at Papa than at Peter, who seemed to be passed out.

Than i felt someting clasp around my neck and someting ding.

I turned around and saw a man in white..i lifted my hand at him..


Nothing happened

My body heat didn't rise and no fire formed.

"That collar also stops your powers" papa said.

I turned around and looked at him..before punching him as hard as i could in the face.

Papa stumbled back as clasped his hand over his two arms grabbed my hands and held them behind my back and wrapped their other arm under my chest and lifted me up.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO" I screamed as i kicked my legs

"HUSH!" The man yelled as he threw me to the floor.

My head bounced off the tile floor and the collar dug in my neck, cutting the skin.

Tears rolled down my face as my vision faded.

"We need to kill her....." Was all i heard before i passed out on the tiles..

(More background information ! Need to get all of this done before i start writhing or thinking about season 4 ya know?)

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