chapter 16

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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Than...the door busted open.

The kids and Y/n jumped back as the beast "looked" around before opening its mouth and screeching in their direction.

Y/n quickly grabbed the closest kids, Mike and Dustin and pushed them into a safe cornor while Lucas grabbed his wrist rocket.

Lucas fired rocks at the did nothing but anger it.

"LUCAS!" Y/n screeamed as she grabbed his shirt and yanked him back and pushed him into the corner with Mike and Dustin.

"HEY YA BIG BASTERED! WANNA GO FOR ROUND TWO?!" Y/n screamed out as she stood bravely infront of all the kids.

The beast screeched as it charged at Y/n.

Y/n closed her eyes, bracing herself for impact...but it never happened.

Y/n slowly opened her eyes...the beast was frozen mid walk.

Y/n's eyes dashed around till they landed on Eleven, who was standing with her small hand outstretched as blood dripped from her nose.

"EL!" Y/n said with a small smile...if eleven wouldn't have pulled through...Y/n and the kids would have died..

Eleven screamed as she out stretched both of her hand and used her telekinesis to harshly push the flower monster into the wall.

Blood started to come from elevens eyes the more she pushed the flower monster.

Y/n held her arms infront of the kids as Eleven used all if her energy against the flower monster.

Y/n's eyes went wide as Eleven practically desinagrated (i swear im dyslexic) the monster.

A whirlwind of ash,skin, and light surrounded Eleven, ingulfing her.

"EL!" Mike screamed as the ash and light cleared....yet Eleven nor the monster was seen.

"ELEVEN?!" Y/n screamed as her eyes dashed around.

"No no! EL!" Mike screamed as he rushed out the room.

Y/n looked back at Dustin and Lucas than grabbed both of them and rushed out the room.


They screamed for a good 20 minutes before walking outside.

Mike was sobbing at the lose of El.

"Y/N!" A voice yelled

Y/n turned to her left and as soon as she did...Steve rushed up to her and wrapped his arms around her. Engulfing her in a tight hug.

"Holy shit your okay" Steve whispered as he ran his hand along y/n's back.

Steve was scared Y/n would die....he just started hanging out with her...but he cared for her greatly...he regreated all the things he had said to her....

"Im so sorry" Steve whispered as he held onto her slightly tighter

Y/n wrapped her arms around Steve mid section.

"For what?" Y/n asked.

"For all those things i said to you.....i was judging you before i even got to know you...who would have thought youd be a badass" Steve said as he pulled away from the hug.

His eyes locked onto Y/ns E/c eyes.

Y/n smiled slightly. "Well...see you later Steve" y/n saod as she turned in her heels and walked off to Johnathens car.

Y/n got in the back seat with Dustin, Mike, and Lucas while Johnathen sat in the drivers seat and a pissed off looking Nancy in the passanger seat.

~~~~~~~~~Time skip by Vecna~~~~~~~~~

^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^

I sat in tje living room with Johnathen, all was silent other than the buzzing of crickets and other nightly bugs.

Than...the phone rang.

I shot up from my chair and rushed to the phone and took it off its hook.

"Byers resadiance" i muttered out as i rubbed my eyes.

"Y/n! Come to the hospital quick! Bring Johnathen...we found will!" Joyce cried out over the phone.

I quickly hung the phone back on its hook and grabbed my jacket, putting it on.

"JOHANTHEN LETS GO! JOYCE FOUND WILL THEIR AT THE HOSPITAL!" i screeched out as Johnathen quickly got up and grabbed his keys.

We both rushed out to his car and got in.

Johnathen started the car while i buckled up and closed the car door.

Once we where on the road...Johathen didn't slow down, he went over the speed limit as he drove.

I looked over at him, his jaw was clinched and he held a death grip on the steering wheel.

I let a sigh leave my lips as my foot tapped the floor board repeatedly.

What if Will wasn't okay?
What if he was mad at me?
What if Brenner got a hold of him?

All those what if questions filled my stress filled mind.

I bit the inside of my cheek till Johnathen pulled up to the hospital.

I quickly unbuckled and rushed out the car and into the hospital with Johnathen right behind me.

"is Will Byers here?!" I asked the lady behind a desk.

" and relation please" the lady said as she looks as me and Johnathen.

"Im Y/n Byers im his sister" "Im Johnathen byers...his brother"

The lady scribbled our names on a tag and handed it to us.

"room 402"

~~~~~~~In Wills room~~~~~~~~

I busted into the door and saw Joyce sitting beside Wills bed, holding his hand while Hopper stood in a corner.

My eyes landed on Will..he looked pale and sickly.

I slowly walked to his side.

"Im sorry" i whispered as my eyes blurred over with tears

Joyce looked at me as i cried.

"I should have came back to pick you so sorry Will" tears flowed faster and i cried harder.

I felt a hand wrap around mine.

I looked down and through the blur of tears i saw that Will had grabbed my hand.

"Its.......o........okay" Will forced out.

"WILL!" me,Joyce and Johnathen all said at the same time

We bombarded Will with hugs and small kisses as he fully awoke.

I cried more yet this was happy tears....

Will was okay.......



the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now