season 2 chapter 9

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^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

All was quiet throughout the Byers house, no noise was heard at all, other than the dripping water facet and ticking clock.

Wills bedroom door opened, and he crept out, careful not to step on the creaky wooden tiles, he turned down the hallway and entered the bathroom.

After a minute Will washed his hands and looked at the water...till...he heard rumbling in the distance. Will looked up and slowly turned the water off.

Will stepped out of the bathroom and the rumbling got louder and louder, clouding Wills mind like a wildfire. A fearful feeling suffocated him the closer he walked to the front door.

Thunder rumbled and crashed as Will looked at the door. Though the glass in the wood....outside was as red as hell would be.

Will felt every hair on his body rise and the fearful feeling got worse and worse the closer he got to the door. He felt like something was waiting for him out side, something was drawing him to the door, pulling him like a magnet.

Before Will reached the door, the door opened by itself and made a horrible creaking noise as it did. Will breath hitch in his throat as he saw the red lighting glad and light up the blood red sky.

He felt it...the feeling he gets when he goes into an episode...the feeling that he was being watched by someone....something...

Will felt his feet move even though he tried to stop was like they had a mind of their own. He inched closer and closer to the open door, feeling the icey air hit his skin, sending a bone chilling, gut wrenching coldness through his tiny body.

Lighting cackled and hissed as it struck the ground repeatedly the closet Will got...

Will soon stepped outside, the harsh winds blew though his hair, as snow like particles swarmed and danced around like snow. He looked up at the deep red sky as dark clouds rolled and loomed over head.

Lighting struck all around and Will felt every muscle in his body tighten and tense, his head was pounding and his heart was beating so loudly it was all he could hear.

The lighting lit up the sky one last time yet...this time...Will saw something far off in the distance...

A enormous monster that loomed in the red sky. Its multiple limbs outstretched as it looked at Will.

Will felt his heart stop as he stated at knew it had seen him...he felt its....eyes? Boring into his... He felt his body go weak the more he looked at it...he then saw it move closer...yet Will couldn't move....

^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

Hopper drove into the woods and as far away from the city of Hawkins as he could.

Soon after a bit..he stopped his car. Hopper hopped (heh) out and grabbed the flashlight from his pocket and flipped the switch on...the nighttime light was soon taken over by the bright beam of the flashlight.

Hopper slowly shinged the flashlight onto a trip wore and stepped over it. Hopper kept his eyes fixated on the cabin with lights on..or well...the only cabin or house around for hours...

Hopper walked up the stairs, that creaked under his weight, and he walked right up to thr door and knocked two times then more knock then paused..then two more knocks. He waited a second...then...the door creaked open yet no one was on the other side.

Hopper finished pushing the door open as he stepped in. All Hopper heard was the distant conversation on the TV.

He took his hat off and hung it on a small coat rack along with his jacket. After this he walked over to thr TV that was playing in the living room and switched it off. He took off his gun holster as he kept walking through the cabin.

Hopper soon made it to the kitchen and set the holster and flashlight on a table before going to the fridge, opening in and grabbing a beer, which he quickly opened and started drinking. He slowly progressed through the house and to a small two person table with two plates covered in tin foil and one plate of two half eaten eggos.

"Heyyyy, what did we talk about?" Hopper said in a sing song voice as he pulled out a chair and sat down.

"No signal" a soft female voice rang out from in the distance.

"What?" Hopper asked as his brows knitted togeather in confusion

"Its eight one five...your late" the female said, sounding annoyed.

"Yeah i lost track of time. I-Ill signal next time, all right?" Hopper asked as he put his hands on the table and let out a sigh, he had forgotten to signal in, to tell her he was late or was going to be late.

"And uh.. It's 8:15 not eight one five" Hopper added as he looked up at a small girl who walked into the room and sat down across from Hopper.

The girl....was....Eleven....

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now