Season 2 chapter 12

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(Sorry for the long ass break but! Your favorite Grimlin has Netflix and is back to wrighting! Ill try to update on the weekends! Love you all!!❤❤❤)

^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^

"Will?" An almost frantic Joyce asked out as she walked through her house. "Will, come on honey,up and at em" (is that what people say? Idk im dumb).
She said as she walked into Wills room, but not finding her son. "Will?" She asked again, her voice breaking as his name slipped from her lips. Joyces anxiety started to rise as her mind flashed back to all those lonely mornings where she'd walk into her son's room and not see him laying on his bex or at his desk drawing a photo.

"Y/n!" Joyce called out as she raced through the house and to the kitchen.

"Yeah?" Y/n responded as she pulled a piece of hot toast from the toaster and almsot dropped it (clumsy y/n smh). "Where's Will?" Joyce asked as she came face to face with the teen. "Hes not in his room?" Y/n asked, knitting her brows togeather. "No" Joyces replyed, throwing her hands up in the air...then.. A loud noise was heard from the bathroom..

"Uhhh" y/n started as she watched Joyce run off to see what the noise was.

Y/n knew nothing has happened to Will and that Will HAD to be in the house. Y/n hasn't slept much since Will has come home. She blames herself waking moment of the day, she just blames herself for will going missing. And no matter how much Joyce and Will would tell her to stop.. She just couldn't..

She would patrol the house, in side and out all night just to make sure Will, Johnathen, and Joyce were okay.. She couldn't go through losing another person.. Almsot losing Will HAD hurt her... Now... She can't risk losing anyone else..

After a minute Joyce came back into the kitchen with a rather embarrassed look on her face.

"Well...where was he?" Y/n asked as she took a better knife and sliced up a stick of butter. "The bathroom" Joyce muttered as she let out a sigh. "Ah i knew he was here" Y/n said with a smile and a chuckle.

"Obviously you do" a sleepy Johnathen said as he wobbled into the room, rubbing his puffy eyes. "Your constant patrolling y/n, kept me up all night" he said as he ran his hand through his messy hair.

"Daw sorry sleepy head" y/n said in a mocking baby voice as she put a plate of toast into Johnathens hands.

"Y/n!" Joyce said, raising her voice, catching Y/n off guard. "Whatttt?" Y/n asked as she whipped her head around to look at Joyce. "What did i say about all of that patrolling?" Joyce asked as she put her hands on her hips. "I know what you said BUTTT i worry" y/n muttered softly as she averted eye contact...

~~~Time skip by one Clusmy ass y/n and her enemy hot toast altho her power is fire???~~~

^^^Y/n P.O.V^^^

I watched as Joyce helped Will zip up his Ghostbusters suit. "Alright.. Now let's get this on" i said i lifted up the back packity thingy (idk the name im clueless) up and and helped Will get the rather heavy thing on.

"OH! that needs some tape..Hold on!" Joyce said rather loudly as she stopped messing with the back packity thingy and rushed to Wills desk to get some tape.

I stood by Will as Joyce did her thing "ya know... Thats a pretty good costume.. Are Mike, Lucas and Dustin dressing up too? If not im hopping in Johnathens car and going to the nearest shop and dressing up with you" I said as i looked down at him.

Will looked up at me "well... They are dressing up but it would be fun if you dressed up too..i mean you wouldn't have all the gear and stuff but..itll be cool" Will said with a soft smile.

"Hm...ima be late today then because i am not missing out on having some fun" i said with a giggle as i ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead.

"Bye Will bye Joyce!" I said as I started out the door.

Joyce only muttered a bye as she looked at a drawing on Wills desk.

I brushed it off and quickly rushed to the front door and went to grab Johnathens keys only to see them gone. (i cant remeber if Y/n had a car or not- if she does Pretend she crashed it or something??? Idk its been a good bit)

I rushed outside to see Johnathen leaning up against his car as if he was waiting on me. "Johnathen!" I screeched out as i rushed up to him and yanked him to me by his jacket.

Johnathen looked at me like I was crazy. "What?!" He said as his wide eyes looked at me.

"Take me to the costume shop"

~~~Time skip by Murray's bald head thats brighter then my future~~~

^^^Wills P.O.V^^^

Mom dropped me off at school only after she took a unnecessary amount of photos of me in my costume.

I slowly opened the car door and stepped out. "Bye will! If you need me call me. I love you" my mom whispered as she eyed me with gental eyes.

"Bye mom love you too" i muttered before shutting the door and walking over to where Mike, Lucas, and Dustin stood, parking their bikes.

I looked around at other kids that passed. Not seeing a single one dressed up.

I spaced out slightly at Mike, Lucas and Dustin started a tiny argument about their name tags on their costumes.

"Hey guys" I spoke out, stopping the argument.

"What?" Mike asked as he turned to look at me.

"No one else is dressed up" I said as kids eyed us and laughed at us as they passed.

"Shit" Dustin whisped to himself.

"What? Everyone dressed up last year!" Lucas said loudly as he threw his hands up in the air.

Then...I heard a car pull up with a unmistakable soundling squeak and squeal..

Johnathen and Y/n have arrived..

I looked back in the direction of Johnathens car and saw Y/n hop out with a smile as she wore a Ghostbusters costume that looked a little to tight on her, maybe it was a size too small.

I watched as she looked around and her smile drop slightly as she saw that no one else was dressed up..

the freak,the gifted,and the babysitter (Eddie Munson x Reader x Steve)Where stories live. Discover now