The big moving

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"So, what do you think of it?" my mother asks posing in Front of the cutest little clay house that I have ever seen. Like for real. This is like Ghibli clashed with Alice In Wonderland style. Everywhere I look is nature dominating the scenery from the clay house with green smooth walls, doors, windows and up leading stairs in different colors, trying to cover every color of the rainbow, like a unicorn shitting glitter rainbows, to the little seating area with a large bed hanging from the tree and other stuff that shouldn't be there in a normal home but that's not our style.

As I know my mom somewhere around here should be localized a greenhouse. After pushing my way through the tall grass and catching probably 20 ticks I found it. A tiny little house made of different windows with colored motives like the ones in churches. Stunning to look at.

After almost catching a sunburn from standing in the heat and just admiring the garden and forest that is laying behind, I hear some croaking coming from the car. While getting nearer to the sound I am beginning to understand the words my grandma is apparently trying to say.

She has her own ways of communicating, to be honest, not in the way like she is stupid or disabled but more like she just uses a funny way to talk. She is Romanian and well not as fluent in English as I and mom are. "Bora help boxes carry....repede!" my grandma screams repeatedly while sitting in an elected rocking chair.

I will never be able to use that one ever only over her dead body, which wouldn't take too long. "Granny stop whining I was just looking around. Would you prefer if I hated this place? Didn't think so either.". With my granny scolding me and throwing death stares at my back I made my way into the kitchen that was almost as pretty as the garden was. "Heyho!" I said while tipping on my mother's shoulder. She jumped and almost threw the bowl she was about to place who knows where because my mother doesn't really know order even though she is convinced otherwise.

"Jesus! Bora Xpiayoc Tun, do you know that I almost had a heart attack because of your "talent" to sneak around. I am not planning to die in the next 20 years. Just to let you know." she turns and continues in what looks like decorating the kitchen with stuff which leaves the question open on as to whether it belongs here. "Is it bomb here or what? I saw this little thing in the newspaper my friends gave me and fell in love and if I interpreted your face right you did too. I know leaving Romania wasn't your favorite thing and coming back to the states is even worse but I swear we are on the other side of Amerika so don't you worry darling.".

I skip the distance between us and hug her from behind resting my head on her shoulder and staring with watery eyes at the ones of a pottery duck standing on the kitchen counter. My mom turns around and asks with a softer voice if I'm really okay to which I respond with a nod and wipe away my almost tears.

"I will get my stuff and put it in my room. Where exactly is that even?" I tilt my head while asking and get a finger pointing to the sealing.

With a questionable look on my face, I get my stuff out of the van that was soon to be mine. It's pretty dented in comparison to the Mercedes Benz 500sl my mom drives but still does its job.

When I tell you the upstairs is heaven then I mean it. The height might be a bit short in length but to compensate I got an oriel window that fits perfectly my mattress and my 20 pillows...not literally but almost. After some hours of pushing the furniture that was here days before us back and forth, I hear mom calling me for dinner.

I may or may not be the most hoggish person walking on earth but it's enough for me to sprint down the stairs and skip half of the steps. "What's for dinner? Ahhhh, are those Papanasi?"

Mom and Granny are already sitting at the round table with each an individual and unique chair just like the one that is reserved for me. "Yes, honey it's exactly that but before dessert comes the main dish, so get your hands clean at get yourself some tomato soup off the stove. By the way, your grandma made the Papanasi for you. She thought you might want some home in this new place."

I turn my head in slow motion and look at my grandma with puppy eyes. "You did noooot!! Waaahhh granny..." I was about to jump in her lap when she just shushed me and told me it's no big deal and she would have done it anyways not for me, but I know her stone-cold heart is caring for her bratty granddaughter.

In bed, I rewind the day imaging the changes I still must do to have the room of my dreams. The creaking door announces my mother before I could even see her, so I ever so slightly turn my head to face her.

"Honey, tomorrow we need to get up early k? We need to get you formally introduced to your new school and do some paperwork. I know you would like to explore the house and surrounding more but the semester is almost over, and we don't want you to miss too much." I sigh and hold back the urge to throw a pillow into her face for ruining my day and the following days even weeks.

I know that she is right but not to brag but I will get good grades anyway, not because I am like a genius or something, but American schools are just way easier.

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