the first day in the jungle of life

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I am awoken by myself choking and suffocating. Furr is getting in my nostrils and my mouth is covered. I push aside whatever that is that was on my face just to find a pissed cat staring me down stuck between my pillows.

I grab the grumpy furball and hold him in front of me. "Good morning to you too Mister always trying to kill me. Like damn who do you think will feed you when I'm dead? Granny? She would rather cook you than anything and mom can't even get herself to eat regularly so she would definitely forget you." The only answer I get is a hungry meowing demanding to feed him.

"I get it Achilles. Don't you dare give me that look. By the way where the fuck were you yesterday? You just jumped out of the car and ran off, like cool just leave me here it's totally fine.... oh, oh no you don't get to judge me with that sassy face of yours. I-".

"Bora get your ass down here. Breakfast is ready and I will leave right after!". The yelling came from downstairs, the kitchen to be exact. "Got it, mom!" Achilles meanwhile got himself out of my grip and is patiently waiting for me in front of the hole leading to the stairs.

 I still need clothes before going down, can't really go in my pj's even though I would much rather be in them for the comfort I feel while wearing them. Casual or something more fun? Maybe artsy or cute? Where do I belong? Nobody knows my style in fashion is basically everything and nothing at the same time, very simple I would say.

Hmm, I just grab one thing from one of the boxes and work myself around it. The deciding moment and what will it be? I grab in the nearest box like the hook from the mini claw machines.

I put it in front of me and look in the mirror. A white beige crochet cropped blouse with a heart neckline and floral knitting pattern that covers enough to not get dress coded but also see the countless patchwork tattoos I am plastered with. I stretch and kick myself out of my pajamas and put on the top. Searching in undies and the cropped blouse I find the flared pants that I was looking for. They are like a forest green with dark red and black stripes fitted on the waist and hips and going slightly outwards on the way down.

The only things that are still needed are accessories, shoes and a bag for paper and one pen because that's all I need or rather I am willing to bring. For shoes, I go with a save option, some black leather platform heels as well as a toad bag. I don't think a jacket is needed so I make my way to my little dresser to find my jewelry box on it.

Endless choices are waiting for me, and the overwhelming feeling catches me to just put on everything. I can hold myself back and choose two gold necklaces and one shorter one with pearls.

Not to forget I fill both of my ears with three piercings each asymmetrical and distinct, also gold to match the necklaces and rings I just decided to wear or more almost forgot. I mean how could I not wear them. How on earth would a gay person identify me now huh? I need my gayness.

Almost so late that I can't eat breakfast I just stuff the fried egg with one go in my mouth and muffle a goodbye to my grandma.

"I told you not to be late" my mother tells me already waiting in her car. I just yeet myself on the passenger seat and continue munching my egg.

This morning was a typical warm American morning near the east coast. The airstream of the moving car lets me feel a fresh breeze and blows countless insects in my face... love it. Well one more than the other.

On our way, we come across some kids on their bikes probably on their way to the same school I'm heading... unfortunately. They seem like they are talking about something serious no clue though because they're not looking my way.. well until we are right next to them to pass them. Their faces just tell me that they are trying to identify me and give that face a name. Well sucks to suck I guess, no chance of knowing me.

We leave them behind with a confused and frustrated look on their faces and turn into the parking lot of Hawkins high school. While my mom parks the car across two parking lots I plug my headphones into my ears and press play. The sound of annoying children swarming around trying to get to their classes, some are more successful than others and some just trying to make it harder for the small ones, are muffled by the upcoming beat and let the words stream over me.

I follow my mother inside the school where everyone that notices the new girl has an expression like the one the boys earlier had. I just fly through them as if I were in a movie or music video and the lines of „Lay All Your Love On Me" from ABBA accompanies me.

Arriving at the principal's office, my mother turns to me again and tells me to behave politely... She knows me differently from experience, which is why it seems important to her to enlighten me again.

I actually don't care as long as we leave the hallway in which more and more children keep pushing and pulling... Ah, just how much can you waste your existence. I mean look at these brats, no idea of the world only caring about the little bubble they have created. Not noticing how much that pisses me off. Can't I just kick them out of my way? Can yeah, should... yes I should but I am sadly not allowed at least that's what I am guessing by looking at the face of the principal.

A relatively young woman lets us in and welcomes us. Her blond hair seems as straight and strict as her teaching methods, that's what she is trying to bring across by sitting like she got something stuck up her ass is what I'm guessing. Or maybe her husband's dick is just as small as her patient lasts which would explain why she is so... well boring. There can't be that much fun in her life when she looks like she is about to rip her mouth open by smiling so God damn fake. Honey don't hurt yourself by trying too hard.

„So, Bora is it?" the principal asks me casually while reading exactly that in her formulas. „Yeah that's correct" is the answer she is getting with the sweetest smile I have ready at the moment.

„It seems like you would need some assistance in learning is what I am seeing by looking at your grades from your last school. Isn't that right? Especially in math... would you like me to put you in some extra lessons to get back into the topics?".

She comments on my grades as if they were horrific. I may not be the smartest in math but if you bitch would look at the rest like art or history you would notice my As... „It's fine don't worry I will be perfectly good here. At least that's the case as long as you keep your educational level of difficulty on the ground of the ocean. I'm not complaining though!".

For that answer, I not only get a gasping from misses know it all but also a death starring mother. „Ah ha ha she didn't mean it like that. I'm sure you have a lovely school and a great way of teaching... she just misses her friends. Yeah, you know how kids these days are right? ". Seeing my mother trying to save my face and also my possible bad grades is kind of amusing well only for the time you are not slapped on the back of your head right after the door of the counselor closes behind us.

„Are you completely nuts? What the hell do you think you were doing? Being cool or sassy? No, just a complete dork!". I know that wasn't really clever of me to instantly get myself on the bad kid's list but...

"I wouldn't need to be a bitch if you would have said something. I thought you would stand up for me but nahh we bitching now or what? Whom do you think I got this attitude from? Certainly not you, after all, it was grandma who raised me half of the time because you were too busy with painting and barricading yourself in your office.".

I am surprised by myself. I never thought this would still affect me so much. „Listen we will talk about this later. I don't have time for this now and you need to get to your next lesson. But I know I am a scattered brain most of the time and this affects you more than anyone else, especially after what you've been through you need a safe and routine life. You know I love you baby.".

All the anger that was just pressing on me just disappears into thin air. „I know... I love you too, bye I need to hurry. "

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