bitch fight

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I do too after collecting my shit and jumping down from my corner. On my timetable, it says my next two lessons are PE. Wow how much I love school sports. Is there anything more useless to grade than running and jumping in front of some perverts? Probably not.

The moment I swing open the door of the girls changing room I realize that this is going to be the worst...I am in PE class with almost every cheerleader in the whole school which means I will be the weird kid that doesn't want to be yeeted by boys and look like I did one too many spins while shaking my ass.

As if that wasn't enough they all turn to look at me, so I just take a seat right next to the door and get changed as fast as possible. I don't want to waste any minute in there, not with all this disgusting giggling and nattering.

I step into the gymnasium and notice myself being the only one in it. Even the teacher isn't here yet. As time goes by, the gym slowly fills up with the remaining students. The only one missing is still the teacher, who seems to have gone missing without a trace.

After another five more minutes the class starts to become more and more bored so they are discussing if they should just leave. Jason and his group were about to leave when out of the blue the door swung open with the teach bursting in and nothing other in hand than the shirt of the devil dragging him in and throwing him into the group.

On which the metal head stumbles and only catches himself moments before he could crash into anyone. "Nobody goes anywhere, got it? If that's clear I apologize for my delay but mister Munson put his importance and pride over the remaining and didn't see the need to attend my class. So I needed to remind him of my no-exception policy." he informs us. The whole class starts laughing and making fun of Eddie's predicament, who has now settled on the fringes of the group. I am glad I didn't try to make a run like him, that would have been my death.

Teach Morrison points at me and says "You rookie, take yourself one of the boys and a mat and practice some self-defense tactics. Or for the start just try not to get killed. This is supposed to prepare you for the rare case that a man tries to kidnap you ladies. The rest does the same, got it?" The rare case? My ass rare. There are enough predators in this room alone.

I hesitate to choose someone because except for Eddie all of them are athletes or in a way in shape. And I don't want to hit the freak that would burn my house to the ground.

The moment I saw one kid in the corner looking like a science nerd Jason steps forward and says while he curtsies "bunny, would you do me the pleasure and let me kick your pretty ass.". His words are followed by a sick smirk and appraising look.

Everyone looks shocked especially his girlfriend who runs to complain in our direction just to be stopped by him saying that he doesn't want to hit his bae and that I should be tested as the new girl. I am well aware that he just likes to bully people who don't belong to his suspects and here I am that person. That female person because as a male Eddie is no option for Jason.

 After everyone has split up into groups of two we spread on the mats that were distributed in the gym. "Don't worry bunny. Just give it your best and try to strike me... k? I swear I won't spank you too hard if you let your guard down," Jason says standing right in front of me, relaxed without taking me at least a little bit seriously.

That's exactly what I take advantage of, sprint towards him in an arc and duck at the last moment into a squad position. From there I use the momentum and springiness of my joints and muscles to propel me upwards and with my upper body inclined, straighten my leg and offset my balance point completely and let my foot hit his head in a quick hissing motion.

Surprised by my attack and the strength behind it he tumbles backward and lands on his ass. Jason the oh so strong gorilla was thrown to the ground by half a portion of a girl.

The whole gymnasium lies in silence, all eyes on Jason and me. "Jason Honeybear, are you alright?". Jason's head flips to his love and turns bright red. He pulls himself to his feet and looks at me like a rabid bull about to run to knock me over and to my surprise he does exactly that.

 As if the basketball player actually plays American football, he runs towards me, crouched and with the intention of knocking me out.

Breath in and out, clear your mind. No emotion is allowed to flood your judgment. Concentrate on your senses is what my coach always told me, with not much success at first but with time and shit that went down in the meantime, I managed to achieve exactly this state of complete control. Closing my eyes for seconds and taking one last breath, I slide into a basic fighting stance.

As I slide his arms out of the way to alter his trajectory while stepping out of the way, I slip a leg between his steps, causing him to fly off the mat at high speed and land on his face. As I was about to strangle him with my thighs because he decided he hasn't had enough already, the teach stopped us by blowing a whistle and drawing the class's attention to him.

Till now I didn't say a word. Not one comment to his humiliation, I've already proven my point.

"I think we've had enough for today especially you Jason take a break and visit the nurse. It looks like nothing is seriously hurt just some scratches on your cheek... Come on guys, move!" is what the teach says before dismissing the class. In passing, the teacher gives Jason an encouraging pat on the shoulder and leaves him behind.

Chrissy looks at me with the most disgusted look I have ever seen while passing me and helping the big feeble-minded boy to the boys changing room. I think I will stay here a little longer, I am not really interested in getting stepped in the back while changing for hurting Jason's ego.

Sitting in the stands, I see out of the corner of my eye a certain Eddie Munson staring, trying to make sense of me. Sorry to disappoint you but I know as much as you do. It's not that I have amnesia or whatever, I know exactly what I did and why but I try just like you to find out what my purpose is, what I want, and who I am. With so much going on inside of my head that's a thing I find rather difficult.

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