between two enemies

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After paying for everything I get back in my car and make my way to school.

My lessons, chemistry, English, French and Visual Arts. The last is obviously my favorite but I still have to endure the remaining ones.

As I already expected, the hours have flown by and I've arrived at my lunch break. Like the times before I squeeze myself onto the windowsill and wait for Jason and Eddie to start a fight once more but today seems to be quiet. Mainly because Eddie isn't around.

Did I hurt his feelings that badly? ...Nah.

I only have art for today and I won't think about that freak for the remaining time. As soon as the bell rings I get up and hurry to my class where I meet to my surprise not only Eddie Munson but also Robin. I did not expect to have a class with her aside from history and another with Eddie? Seriously?

I slalom across the room around the tables towards Robin. When I got to her I tap on her shoulder and nod in the direction of the unoccupied seat as a signal on whether or not I could sit there.

"Oh hi Bora right? Take a seat." she quickly answers. I do as she said and put my bag in front of me. As if this constellation wasn't already strange enough, Cassy walks in at the same time as the art teacher.

Because nobody wanted to sit next to the devil that's the only seat left but it happened to be next to me as well. It's obviously her lucky day, not only is she sitting next to her boyfriend's nemesis but also next to the one who exposed him in front of everyone. Just great I can already feel the tension.

"Hello, class, good to have you all here. We will start with a new topic. Does anybody know something about William Turner?" Mister Clark asks by throwing the question in the room.

I raise my hand and say after being picked to answer "Turner neglected and even shattered the accurate portrayal of details and motionless situations that preceding generations' masters and contemporaries still attempted in pursuit of larger subjective effects. Rather, he experimented with artistic approaches to depict sensations from a carefully observed environment, culminating in whirling masses of varying light and strong palettes of color splattered in oil. He was responsible for a particularly important turning point in art history which is why he is so loved till now among artists.".

I get a lot of amazed faces for my answer of which my teacher is one. "It seems someone is a fan of his.". I guess that's positive. That's probably the best compliment I'll get from him, which Robin confirms by giving me a thumbs-up in amazement.

"Anyways we will not only deal with Turner theoretically but also use his typically romantic watercolor and oil paintings as inspiration. I expect everyone to have a folder with at least 5 pictures by the end of school. The format and design are to choose freely as long as you can see the connection to the artist. You got the remaining lessons and if that's not enough time for you... not my concern. Just get it done.", the teacher informs us.

Everyone collects the utensils they think they need, which most of them are watercolors, canvas, and brushes. For me, it's just my sketchbook which is already plastered with drawings and sketches I made, my pencil, and my eraser.

While time passes I just keep looking around watching out the window, eying everyone around me to guess their ideas and find inspiration myself. The lesson is almost over and I still didn't manage to find something I want to draw. I did find out though who got a talent for art and who should lay down the brush. Some didn't even understand the assignment.

Crissy for example started sketching herself on a date with probably Jason. Well, there is not much to interpret anyways but I am guessing that is her goal. That is not what you are supposed to do. Did anyone look at the examples we were given? Every single piece of Turner except his self-portrait was a landscape. His main point was the huge amount of sky that is seen and the experiments with perspectives. Also, his abstracting and fading techniques are unique and probably worth taking parts of.

I don't think I will be able to create anything meaningful like this. The only thing I did was doodle and even those aren't good. I look to the side in the direction of Eddies drawing but before I could make out what's on his sheet he notices my curious eyes and puts his arm on it. What a shame, a real pity.

"Hey Robin, didn't you say that you and your friend work at a rental movie shop or something?" I ask while turning to her. Apparently, she didn't expect me to notice that, but she answers me directly anyway "Oh yeah. Steve and I work there. Do you need something or would you like to meet Steve. I could introduce you two...". I shake my head and add that I want to rent some movies for the family movie night my mom and I were planning. It just happened to work out better for me to get them than her because she still had to run some errands in the nearest larger town.

"Oh yeah no problem, but the shop doesn't open right after school. You would need to wait another hour and a half. Sorry, that's break time and I can't make exceptions. Keith already hates Steve and I can't give him a reason to fire us." she explains.

I totally understand her and I agree with her that this is not a problem at all and that I will come at the official time.

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