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With that I see my mother leaving. On my way to my history lesson, I look one last time over my shoulder to make sure the indigenous woman gets save back to her car and doesn't trip over her own feet.

Aside from all these people the school isn't that bad. I mean some decency is necessary so it's just logic that we don't sit in hell itself. I'm just glad that I was able to get the principal to put me in no clubs or extracurriculars for now. I hate social stuff or to be exact I dislike people in general. Most of them. That's probably also why the principal wants me to go see the guidance counselor after class or just that she can make sure I'm not gonna shoot anyone. That's more an American thing if you ask me. Another reason could be that it's just protocol but that's boring so... noo.

Anyways because I'm terrible at directions I'm kind of late and my history teacher Mrs. Click is not very amused about that. "Well Miss?" she gives me the side-eye while flicking through the pages of some old book.

"Tun. Bora Xpiayoc Tun."

 "Ok Miss Tun, when you are already up front why don't you read his page for us... Hmm hurry." she gives me the opened book to read and backs off a few steps to let me have the whole audience's attention.

"In late August 1619, the White Lion, an English privateer commanded by John Jope, sailed into Point Comfort and dropped anchor in the James River. Virginia colonist documented the arrival of the ship and odd Africans on board. His journal entry is immortalized in textbooks, with 1619 often used as a reference point for teaching the origins of . But the history, it seems, is far more complicated than a single date. It is believed the first Africans brought to the , 400 years ago this month, were Kimbundu-speaking peoples from the kingdom of Ndongo, located in part of present-day Angola.".

I have no idea what exactly we are talking about. Most likely is something related to America because like we all know around here, we are really self-centered. But I don't care to be honest as long as I look interested and say what they want to hear I should be safe.

"Good, sit down now please and leave the book on my desk. Next time I would enjoy your presence a bit earlier." to that I just nod and drag myself to one of the empty seats in the middle. In the rest of the lesson, I managed to catch up on most of the stuff on the current topic and understand what she wanted from us, but at the same time, I fried my brain by doing just that.

 I feel a hand on my shoulder just when I was turning around the corner out of class "Seems like Miss Clickety Clackity found her next victim. Even though you handled the situation pretty well. I would have messed up the whole text and probably leave and never come back. I noticed you are new. Right? I'm Robin. Robin Buckley. If you need anything I am free to help anytime, don't be shy just ask. And if you have no friends you could sit with me at lunch, well the band to be exact. I am in that band did I mention that? Oh and I don't mean nobody likes you or that you have no friends just ehm you can-" the girl with brown short hair and cute little bangs keeps talking and talking.

At this point, I am convinced that she doesn't need oxygen because in the speed that she talks and the length there is just no way that she had one breath.

"What I'm trying to say is welcome to Hawkins high and I would love to know you." she quickly adds.

"Robin come on, it's lunch break. Oh, who are you?" I didn't even notice the second person till she started talking which is why I made a 360-degree turn and almost tripped and fell...almost. This is also the reason why I stopped walking and Robin seems to be so flooded with adrenaline that she just kept walking only to notice that we are far behind her.

While she is running back to her what seems like friend I look her up and down and consider my possibilities to run away. Even though I love that idea that would certainly look stupid and dumb so I just stay there and listen to both of them "flirting" awkwardly like some toddlers.

„So you guys are a couple or what?" I ask out of curiosity.

„Oh no! We are friends." the unknown girl says a little too loud. I see the disappointment in Robins face and it's almost dripping on the floor. „Okay... good for you I guess. So you friends that's all I get it." I say with a kind of understanding expression.

"Anyways I'll go ahead, see you later Robin." the girl says and vanishes in the crowd.

 I turn my head to face Robin and comfort her by saying "You know maybe she is just still in the closet and not ready yet or doesn't know whom to trust. I mean I'm new so not very trustworthy.".

She looks at me with shock "I don't know what you're implying but I'm not into Vickie like at all. She is a nice person and beautiful and talented and funny...omg I'm making it worse.".

"It's totally okay to like boobies, I also like boobs. They are squishy and good for stress." I try to convince her.

She turns red and muffles "Jesus, don't say boobies. You sound like Steve. I'm sure you guys would get along quite nicely. So are you a lesbian or?".

I am not uncomfortable with my sexuality or anything but sometimes really confused so I just answer "No, I am something like that but more on the lines of everyone or nobody.".

She seems confused but accepts my answer for now. We stand another couple of seconds there just in awkwardness so I just start walking to the lunch hall and leave her behind. I mean I'm not planning on wasting my break and not eat whatever they have here and I am sure she is aware of where everything is and knows her ways around here more than I do. So no problem.

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