Chapter six

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Thankfully, Danny had listened to me and had left my house whilst putting his keys through the letter box. I'm glad, I didn't have the energy to fight him. I got ready for bed and was in the middle of my skincare routine when my phone rang. I picked it up and it was Mase FaceTiming me.
"Hey Mase you okay?" I asked as I answered the call and placed it on my vanity so I could continue what I was doing. "Yea I just missed you princess" he replied with a cheeky smile. I laughed as my cheeks tinted with a light shade of red. "Yea yea course you did" I replied. "I did I promise. I thought we could fall asleep on FaceTime together whilst getting to know each other" he suggested whilst getting comfy in his hotel room bed. "Sure I would love that Mase" I said as I also got into bed. We spoke about the most random things like favourite colour and chocolate. I felt my eyes starting to close and once again I heard in the sweetest voice "goodnight princess". This routine continued for the next week and it started to feel as if we were dating. I shouldn't be feeling like this already. I needed to think about Jordan, he would hate the fact I was on FaceTime to Mase and going to his tonight, but Mase was like a drug that I was addicted to and couldn't help but want. I needed to put myself first and anyway we were only friends right? I messaged Mase after checking my bag for everything I needed and put I'm on my way. I had been looking forward to this trip for the past week. I got in my car and put mases address in my maps on my phone.
4 hours later
I finally got to masons after what felt like a lifetime. I got out my car and just stretched my legs until I felt arms go round my waste. I screamed as mason picked me up and spun me around. "Mase put me down" I laughed. "I missed you princess" he simply replied after placing me down. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hug. "I missed you to" I whispered into his neck just loud enough so he could hear me. To anyone walking past this would look like a couple reunion and not two friends. I shook the thought off. He led me inside and I was shocked at the size of his home. Yes my brother was a footballer but I would never get used to the size of their houses. "Impressive house you have here Mase" I complemented. "Thanks princess" he replied as he led me to the spare room. "This is the room you will be staying in, my room is next door of you need anything" mason said as he showed me around. "Thank you, I'm sure I'll be okay" I replied laying on the bed in the middle of the room. "It's late I'll let you get to sleep we've got a long night tomorrow" "okay night Mase" I smiled at him. I got ready and laid in bed. There was something missing. It was the first night I hadn't spoken to Mase since the night he FaceTimed me. I missed his voice. I messaged him
Are you awake?
I am princess, everything okay?

He replied almost instantly.

I can't sleep without hearing your voice😭
Come to my room and we can talk for a bit

I smiled at reply and got out of bed and into his room. "Mase?" I whispered as I entered his room which was full of the medals he had won. Mason simply lifted the duvet and nodded his head to tell me to get in. I slid into the bed and was instantly pulled closer to him by his arms around my waste. We spoke just like on FaceTime and I felt myself drifting to sleep. "It's okay princess, sleep we've got a long day tomorrow" mason whispered into my ear. I kissed his cheek and buried my head into his neck. I was scared. I was falling. Hard.

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