Chapter Eleven

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2 weeks later
It had been two weeks since mason had asked me ago be his girlfriend and I had never been happier. Everyone around me had noticed and I just had to keep telling them it's because I was no longer with Danny and just enjoying my job. Both are true but neither are the true reason why i was so happy. It was like a little routine. I would wake up, call mason then go to work or meetings, hang out with some friend or family, go home and FaceTime mason whilst making dinner and speak to him until I fell asleep. It was perfect. I was beginning to miss his cuddles and kisses though. Today was Friday and my last shoot for 3 days whilst I planned to see Mase somehow. I got out of bed and tried to call him only he didn't pick up. Weird, he always picked up. I didn't think anything of it and just continued my morning and got to work. My phone pinged
Sorry I didn't answer your phone call baby. We had early training and I forgot so was nearly late and didn't have any time to call you. FaceTime me later princess xxx
I smiled and let the worry that was starting to consume me go. Today was possibly the biggest shoot I had ever done and i was so excited to tell everyone as i had kept it a secret. When i got the permission from the directors at the end of the shoot I was so happy to be able to post it on my story.
@AuroraHendo -story

So happy that my dream has finally come true

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So happy that my dream has finally come true. Thank you to everyone that has helped me along the way 💜

I had decided to go straight home today so I could call Mase sooner and tell him all about today. I walked in my front door and straight away FaceTimed him.
"Hey princess" he said as soon as he answered the call.
"Hi baby, where are you?" I asked when I noticed he was outside somewhere.
"Oh I've just gone on a walk and you called so I thought just answer it." He said showing my his smile which had become my favourite thing to see ever. We caught up on our days before I heard a knock on my front door. "Hold up Mase, someone is at my door baby" I said as I placed my phone on my coffee table. I went over to my door and opened it to be met by Mase. "Hey princess" he said as he opened up his arms for me to jump into. I gasped and ran up to him. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I pressed a kiss to his lips. "I missed you and thought I would come and see you instead" he simply answered before he picked me up and carried me and his bag inside. I didn't want to let go so instead I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my face into his neck. "I've missed you so much baby" I whispered. "I've missed you to darling" he said and he sat down on my couch with me on his lap. I looked into his eyes and kissed him. It was instantly passionate and got heated very quickly. "Are you sure?" Mase asked before he got to carried away. "I've never been more sure of anything" I answered before I carried on kissing him. We started to remove clothing and he lashed me down so I was under him on the sofa.

A few hours later
Once we were finished I fell asleep with Mase tickling my back and kissing my bare skin. I woke up and Mase was watching one of the matches that was on. "Hey baby" I whispered. "Hey princess, you okay?" He asked worried that I would regret what we did. I nodded "I'm hungry" I said with a pout. Mase laughed and said "let's order takeaway". We decided on Chinese because it what I really fancied. We ate whilst sat on the sofa talking about anything and everything. "I really had missed you" he said whilst I stuffed some more food into my mouth. I looked up at him and chewed quickly. "I really missed you as well Mase. More than I've ever missed anything before." I moved over towards him and he pulled my onto his lap. "Can we go to bed?" I asked as I felt my eyes start to close. Mase didn't answer but simply picked my up and carried my to my bedroom. He sat my on the edge of my bed and got my changed into his T-shirt as he knew how much I loved the smell. "Thank you baby" I say as I cuddled into his warmth even more. "Your always welcome, I will look after you forever and always princess." He said as he placed a kiss on the back on my neck. "Now go to sleep darling your tired" I nodded. "Night baby" I whispered. "Goodnight princess" he said as he pulled me even closer than I knew was possible. I felt like we were in our own little bubble and nothing could ruin this. Not even Jordan. 

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