Chapter twenty eight

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This chapter will have quite a few time skips but I hope it makes sense

A month after...
After our discussion last month me and mason had decided to start trying for baby number two straight  away. My period was due three days ago but I was late. Deep down I had a feeling what the test would reveal but I needed to know. "Mase.." I say to him as I walk into the kitchen where he was feeding max. "Yea baby?" He asks without taking his eyes of his son. "My period is three days late." I say quietly. His head snapped towards me. "Do you think?.." he said nodding his head at my stomach. I shrug, "can you come with me? I'm scared." I whisper. I drop my head to look at the floor embarrassed. "Hey hey hey" mason rushed over to me and lifted my head so I was looking into his eyes. "Whatever the result I'm with you. Me and you forever remember? We can go together okay?" He says wiping the few stray tears that had fallen. I nod resting my head on his palm. He kissed my forehead before turning away to finish feeding Max. I sat next to them waiting for him to finish. "I'll put him in his play pen and we can go okay?" Mason asked reassuringly. I nodded. Once mason was done we made our way upstairs and into our en-suite. I got the tests out from under the test and took a deep breath. Mason came up from behind me and rested his head on my shoulder. "No matter the result I'm here okay? Don't let this discourage you. We have got this. I love you loads." He said before pressing a kiss to my cheek. I nodded and smiled feeling a little better. After taking the two tests I set them upside down on the sink and walk out to the bed where Mase was laid on his phone. As soon as he heard my footsteps he looked up and opened his arms. I go and lay in them. "I'm terrified Mase. I want this so bad and I'm scared it won't happen. I don't want to upset you." I whisper. I feel him kiss the top of my head before saying, "you will never upset me. There is always other options okay baby. And we already have maxy, you have already made me the happiest man in the world." I turn round to face him and kiss him. That's when we were interrupted by my phone alarm. We both pull away and look at each other. "Come with me?" I ask. He just nods. We made our way into the bathroom. "On three okay?" I ask him seeing him nod. "One" I say, "two" Mase says quickly after before we flip the tests over. Negative. I take a deep breath feeling disappointment rise within me. "It's okay, we'll try again next month." Mase said pulling me into a hug. I sigh and nod. Even though I knew how hard this was going to be I didn't expect it to take a toll on me. It was only the first month after all.

A month later...
Negative. Once again I had failed to get pregnant, I look at my reflection in the mirror before wiping a tear and throwing the test into the bin. I let Mase sit on the bed this time scared to see the disappointment on his face. I walk out the bathroom and shake my head at Mase. "It's okay baby. Don't look so upset, we knew it wouldn't be easy." He says to me before walking over to me and kissing my forehead. "Don't let this ruin our Christmas." He says to me before walking out the room. I take a deep breath before plastering a smile on my face. I had to be strong. Mase was right. It would happen soon.

The month after...
I looked in the full length mirror and turn to the side. I looked a little bloated, and I had been feeling emotional for the last week. I felt the excitement rise in me. After my dress fitting I would take a test. I was so sure I was pregnant this time. Once I got back from my fitting Mase had to go to training so I was by myself. I settle max into his afternoon nap and go to take the test. I place it down on the counter before setting up my camera and pressing record. I explain what I'm doing before checking it had been two minutes. "Right, it's been two minutes so I'm going to look now." I take a deep breath. "One.... Two.... Three" I flip it over to see in bold Negative. This time I can't stop my tears. I certain I was pregnant. I turn off my recording before placing the test on the side and lying down in bed. I felt like a disappointment. Why couldn't I do one simple thing women are made to do for my boyfriend. I let myself cry for 20 minutes before getting up to see my son. "Pull yourself together Rory." I mutter to myself. There was always next month.

Two months later...
"It's going to be negative Mase, I can feel it." I say to my Fiancé. "Don't be so negative" Mase says happily before walking to check the two tests on the side. "They are always negative." I mutter to myself before I hear Mase gasp. "Rory.. you might want to come look at this." I made my way to the bathroom to look at the two tests. Positive. I gasp and feel myself tear up. "I think I should take another just in case."
I say to Mase before we celebrate. He sighs, "if you think that's what's best." I nod silently before taking another three test from a new box. After the worst two minutes of my life me and Mase go and check the new tests. Negative, Negative, Negative. All three of them said I wasn't pregnant. I look at Mase to see his disappointment. "I'm so sorry Mase." I say before bursting into tears. "Hey it's okay baby I promise." Mase says before grabbing me into a hug before my legs buckle. We slowly sit on the floor both crying. "We can always stop trying baby.." Mase says quietly after we calm down. I shake my head, "no I want to keep going" I say. Max starts crying so I pick myself up off the floor and go to my son. "Hey hey hey you no crying. Your okay my baby." I say to him rocking him. I would be okay whilst I had my boys. No matter how much I wanted to add another addition.
"Mase, I'm going to be honest, I'm going to stop testing until after the wedding. I can't deal with the emotions with all the stress. Is that okay?" I ask laying in bed next to Mase. "Of course baby. What ever makes you happy." He said kissing my head. I bury my head in his chest and get comfy. I feel him sigh before he kissed my shoulder. "It's okay baby, it will happen." He says before rubbing his hand over my back. I could tell he was trying to convince himself more than me. I felt so upset. Why couldn't I just do this for him? After everything he did for me and I couldn't even give him another child. I feel him move before he lifts up my head. "I know what your thinking and don't okay? Your the love of my life and that will never change. Yes I'm disappointed but it's not your fault. We will figure this out together." He says before kissing my lips. "Now go to sleep baby, your tired." He said. As I'm cue I yawn before I nod and bury my head back into the position I was in. "I love you Mase. So so so much." I whisper before I shut my eyes. I trusted Mase. It would happen soon.

I'm so sorry for how long this chapter is but I really wanted to show how some people struggle to get pregnant as I feel sometimes this isn't shown another but I hope I showed it well enough.

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