Chapter fourteen

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"Home sweet home", Mase called as we walked through the door. I laughed at his energy, despite all the arguments and tears that had already happened earlier in the morning. I stood in the hallway looking around. I took a deep breath, I felt overwhelmed after all the events that had already happened. I jumped slightly as mason wrapped his arms around my waist from behind pulling me closer to him. "I know it's a lot princess and you don't have to stay here, I just want to help." He whispered into my ear. "I want to stay here. It just a lot. He was best friend mase, it hurts." I say with tears falling down my face. He turned me around and I buried my face into his neck, smelling his dior savage aftershave, a scent that now brought me comfort. "I know it's hard princess, but it will get better I promise." I nodded, "thank you for everything baby, you have been amazing" I say as I pressed a kiss to his neck. "You deserve the world princess" he mumbled into my hair. I looked up at him and leant in as if I was going to kiss him before quickly pulling away before he could close the gap. He looked at me with shock before I started laughing and running away. "Oi princess, get back here." I ran into the kitchen and around the island before I realised I had trapped myself. "Mase, baby I'm really truly sorry" I tried to say between my laughing. "Oh yea I think you need to be punished" Mase laughed. "No no no please" I shouted as he ran towards me and trapped me in his arms. He started to tickle me before picking me up and spinning me round. We had tears in our eyes, we was laughing so much. "Okay okay im sorry" I managed to say. "Your a great distraction Mase. Your actually perfect baby" I said before looking into his chocolate colour eyes. "Your perfect as well princess don't forget that." He pressed his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. After a few minutes we pulled apart. "This might be to soon to say, but princess, I think I'm falling in love with you" he whispered as he placed his head against mine. My breath hitched. How could this man get anymore perfect. "I think I'm falling in love with you as well." Somehow the worse day of my life had possible become one of the best.

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