Chapter eighteen

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Mases pov-
It had been the best couple of weeks living with Rory. When Jordan caught us that morning i thought it was over. It made me love her even more when she picked me over him. I knew I had to do something to help when she was sobbing my arms saying she was homeless. Maybe people would think it was to soon but she was the love of my life. My soulmate. I knew I wanted her living with me and even though this was not the situation I wanted to ask her in, it was still a perfect opportunity. I was terrified when the words left my mouth, scared she would be put off and think we were moving to fast. My heart exploded when she agreed to the idea. It had been the best decision I had ever made. It made me realise how much I loved her. The way she has to have a coffee before she can have a proper conversation. The way her dimples show when she laughs. The way her voice sounds when shouting our favourite songs in the car. The way she dances when getting ready. The way she tickles the back of my neck when we are hugging or kissing. Everything. She was perfect and I truly had never felt this way about anyone. Every girl was using me for my fame and money but not Rory. She was special. Declan knew the night we met that we would end up with each other.
"Mate why are you so smiley?" Dec asked as I got into the taxi to get back to the hotel. "No reason." I said trying to hide the fact that I had in fact met the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen. "You can't lie to me Mase, I've known you to long. You have met a girl no doubt" he said with a knowing smile. I looked at him and laughed. He was right. I never could lie to him. It felt wrong. "Yea I did, she was gorgeous dec honestly. I didn't get her last name though." I said once the thought came into my head. "Mate I've got this, what was her first name?" Dec said opening instagram on his phone. "Aurora" I said smiling at the thought of her. "Oh that's easy. She's Jordan's sister" dec said showing me her profile. I nodded. "Yep your right that's her." "Your going to end up together Mase. I'm calling it now. She's your soulmate." He said before leaning his head against the glass and shutting his eyes. I laughed at his drunken state. How could he know that? We only just met.
Present time
He was right. Of course he was. He's my bestmate he knows me better than I know myself. I smiled looking at my gorgeous girlfriend sleeping. I had never been happier. I rubbed her bare back with my fingers knowing how much comfort that brought her. She had been through so much recently and I just wanted to help. Before I got distracted I felt her move and slowly yawning. This was my sign she was waking up. "Morning princess, you feeling okay?", I asked as I tried to get her as comfortable as possible. She simply nodded and buried her head in my neck. I laughed at her. She hated mornings. "We need to get up baby. My family are coming today remember." I said softly trying to wake her up some more. Her head shot up with a scared look on her face. "That's today?" She asked. I smiled and nodded. "Crap, I'm going to have a shower and get ready then." She said before pressing a soft kiss to my lips and leaving the room to go to the bathroom. I laid in bed a little longer knowing I could get ready quickly until I heard the shower go on. I sneaked into the bathroom and slipped into the shower behind her. I hugged her from behind and she instantly relaxed. "Your going to be okay princess. Like I said before. They will love you just like I do." I said before pressing a kiss to her neck. She sighed. "My own family don't like me Mase, it's no wonder I'm scared." My heart sunk. I couldn't believed her own brother could make her feel like this. "That's not true, your brother is just a dickhead and well I can't say anything about your mum because I don't know her. And anyway my family is your family now. Forever." She laughed and nodded. "Your right Mase." I laughed. "I know I always am." She turned around and hit my chest gently and scoffed. "Yea sure you are, now get out so I can do what I need to." I put my hand over my heart faking that I was upset. "I'll be downstairs when your ready. And don't panic to much dec will be here and you know what he's like." I tell her trying to calm her nerves. She laughs knowing exactly what I mean. "Okay baby, I won't be long." I was so excited for her to meet my family. Summer and Jaz loved her last time and kept asking me when she was going to be here again so I had no worry's that the rest of them will be the same. I never had felt like this and I'm sure my family would be able to see that.
1 hour later
Me and Rory were sat in the kitchen are she had just made us a coffee. I was staring at her beauty still amazed on how she was mine. "Stop looking at me like that you creep." She laughed. "I'm sorry didn't know I couldn't look at my gorgeous girlfriend." I laughed back. She sighed and smiled, "I will never get used to hearing you call me that." I walked to her and pulled her into a hug. "Well get used to it because one day I will call you my wife. Your stuck with me forever now." I said before pressing my lips to hers. I pulled at away at the doorbell ringing. She had a light blush on her cheeks. "That will be them. I'll go get it." I told her before kissing her forehead. I was so excited for this. My family finally meeting the girl of my dreams.

Sorry for the really long chapter

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