Chapter twenty four

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@Roryhendo story

Taking little man to his first football match 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿❤️

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Taking little man to his first football match 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿❤️

Today Max was 2 months old and I was taking him to his first England match to support mason. I was going to with Debbie, Tony and Lewis as Jaz and sam was to busy to come. I was nervous. This was the first time I could see Jordan. I had spoken to Mase whilst he was at camp and apparently Jordan had ignored him the whole time. None of my family knew Max existed. When I decided to get out of bed and stop having cuddles with my baby, I got us ready. I was wearing one of masons old England tops and max had one on with daddy and number 19 on the back. I looked at the time and saw i needed to leave so I could met with his family early to go and eat first. When I got to the restaurant we had decided on I saw Debbie rushing over to us. "Oh my grandson. Hiya Rory lovely to see you. Your looking great." She said to me whilst hugging me. I laughed and thanked her before handing max over to her. We sat outside and enjoyed a nice meal with Lewis was telling me some embarrassing story's Mase wouldn't let him tell when he was with us. Tony checked the time as said, "we should get going we have an hour before kick off and I know he will want to see maxy." I nodded knowing he was right and how much Mase was missing his first child. Once we got into the family box, I sat down with max in my arms. I was laughing with Lewis when I heard my boyfriends voice. "Where is my boy?" He asked his mum after giving her a hug. Debbie pointed to me and he rushed over to us giving me and kiss and taking max from me. "Hey princess, hello baby boy." He said to the both of us. "I'm sorry I haven't got long Gareth said I could come for one hug before I need to go." I laughed at how out of breath he sounded. He handed max to me and kissed my forehead, "I'm so glad to be coming home today baby I've missed you." He said to me before rushing back to the changing rooms. I sat back in the seat I was in ready to watch the game. "I've never seen him care for someone so much Rory. Your very special to him." Lewis said to me. I smiled and blushed, "he saved me Lewis. I love him so much." I said before I looked at our baby I was holding. I finally felt complete. We watched the game and I couldn't take my eyes of mason. I would never get used to the pride I felt when he played for club or country. The game ended 4/0 to England with Mase scoring a goal. We spoke to Declan's family whilst we waited for the boys to come and join us. I heard mason and Declan laughing before I saw them. Mason went round hugging both his family and decs before he got to me. He pulled me up of my chair and kissed me before he bent down to look at max who was settled in his pram. "Can I get him out? I've just missed having him in my arms." He asked me. I laughed at his question, "baby, he's your son to." I said to him before sitting down again. I watched the interaction between my two favourite people. Mase has max cuddled up in his arms as he sat next to me. He pulled my chair so I was more facing him then the rest of the people around the table. "I love you princess." He said to me. "I love you to baby." I said to him. We sat there listening to the conversation in front of us laughing when Declan said something stupid. Mase gave me max when his arms started going dead. We was having a great time before I saw Declan's face (who was opposite me) pale. "What's up dec? You look like you've seen a ghost bro." Mase asked whilst his hand tickled my back. I heard a voice clear behind us before, "Aurora?" I could recognise that voice anywhere. It was Jordans.
I stood up and turned around. "Jordan." I said whilst looking init his eyes. "Who's that?" He asked looking at max who was still in my arms. "This is Max Declan Stamford Mount. He's our son Jordan." Mason said from behind me feeling the need to step in. Jordan's eyes widened looking at me for confirmation. I nodded. "I have a nephew?" He asked. "No Jordan. You would of if you didn't make me homeless when you found out about me and mason. You finished that relationship back then." I said standing up for myself. "Rory i was angry." He stuttered trying to explain himself. I scoffed, "that's no excuse. You called me a slag and said mason would leave me. I was broken for so long jordan. Did you know mum tried to get me to forgive you but when I refused she blocked me?" He shock his head. "I'm sorry Rory. Please I've missed you. I want to be in your life and your sons." He begged. I shock my head. "I can't forgive you yet. Give me time. I will never stop you having s relationship with my son but with me I don't know if that can ever happen again." He nodded his head. "Thank you Rory honestly I'm so sorry." He said. "It's Aurora not Rory Jordan. Get Rebecca to message me when you want to see Max. I'm sorry but I need to go feed him." I said turning away and walking to leave the room. Mason followed me and as soon as I left the room I burst into tears. "It's okay baby. You did amazing." Mase said as he pulled me into a hug. "Was i to harsh Mase?" I asked him. He shook his head. "He hurt you princess. You have ever right to be angry and upset. You are letting him have a relationship with our son. That's better than nothing." He said trying to make me feel better. I nodded. "Can we go home? Max is tired and I want cuddles I missed you." I asked Mase who laughed and nodded. "Let's go say goodbye and we will leave." He said putting an arm around my shoulder. Maybe Mase was right. I was letting him see my son but he needed to understand I was still hurt and needed time. I missed him. He was my big brother. I still needed him. What was I going to do?

I'm so sorry this has taken me so long to write. I've run out of ideas on this book and have been so busy writing my second mason book forever and always if you want to go read it. Please leave any more suggestions you have for this book as I don't want to finish it yet. Thank you for all the support it means a lot!!!

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