Chapter twenty one

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Two weeks later
Mase had been brilliant after my episode in the bathroom. Constantly telling me how much he loved me and his beautiful he thought I was. He hardly left me alone which I was grateful for. He truly did make everything better. Since that day I hadn't posted anything online and I still wasn't planning on. I hired a social media manager who was posting all my shoots for me. I was so grateful for everyone. I had been messaging Jaz during all of it after I heard Mase crying on the phone to her the day after. Since then we had spoken about it and I had assured him it had nothing to do with him but just everything else going on in my life. I truly was feeling alot better mentally however I had recently started to feel weird though. I felt more bloated than usual and I was crying at what seemed like everything. I thought I was due on until I checked my period app. I called Jaz immediately. "Hello Rory, are you okay?" She asked me concerned as I never called her just messaged. "How did you know you was pregnant?" I asked without even saying hello. "Umm I was bloated and sick and cried at everything. Why do you ask?" Once she said those three things I burst into tears. "Jaz can you come round please? Mase is at training and then has an interview I can't be here alone." I sobbed down the phone. "I'm already on my way darling. My mums with me as well is that okay?" I nodded before realising she couldn't see that. "Of course it is." I sniffled. "Right we will be there in 40 we were already on our way but we need to make a pit stop quickly. Get yourself comfortable and put a film on or something to distract whatever your thinking darling" debbie said to me. Jaz must of passed her mum the phone. "Thank you so much. I owe your family a lot." I said already feeling calmer knowing they were going to be here soon. "Darling your family now. We love you and so does Mase never doubt that." She said before ending the call. I had never felt more loved than I had in this family. I must of fallen asleep on the sofa as I woke up when the door knocked. I walked over and opened it to be pulled straight into a hug by Debbie. "Oh you beautiful girl. Come on tell us what's wrong." She said as she pulled me toward the sofa again. I took a deep breath and started my theory. "I started to feel more tired and emotional these last couple weeks and then I noticed I was more bloated. I assumed I was due on until I checked my app. I hadn't even realised I was three weeks late." I said quickly. "Do you think you could be pregnant?" Jaz asked sat the other side of me holding my hand for support. I shook my head. "I never thought I would be able to naturally. My mum really struggled to get pregnant with me and Jordan and when I was younger I was diagnosed with the same thing I can't remembered what it's called but I thought I would always need more help." I sniffled once again feeling like I could cry. Debbie rubbed my back with her hand. "I think you should still check lovely. Imagine if you are and you don't know that could cause more harm than good." She said softly. That was all it took to make me sob. "But what if it's negative. I'm going to be so disappointed." I said whilst Jaz pulled me into a hug. "Then you talk to Mase and try again and of that doesn't work than you get more help. Just because it doesn't happen now doesn't mean it won't." She said to me. I calmed down and agreed. "Okay let's do it." I took 4 tests and left them on the sink and walked back to the sofa. "This was the worst two minutes of my life when I found out I was pregnant with summer." Jaz told me. I looked at her. "Was you scared what Sam would say?" I asked. She nodded, "I was terrified and I know you are to but Mase loves you so much, he will love a child with you. I know I know before you say anything. It wasn't planned. Sometimes the best things aren't Rory. If you are you just have to speak to him about it and go from there. You are a powerful couple and you two would be great parents." She said to me seriously. I nodded she was right. Of course she was. Mase would be an amazing dad and it's not like we hadn't spoken about this before. Granted we hadn't planned it this soon but Jaz was right. "I just want you guys to know, I didn't do this to trap him in anyway I'm sure it looks like that." I said to them scared they were going to judge. "Don't be silly darling. Mistakes happen. This is just a good kind. As I said in the car you are family Rory whether you like it not." Debbie said. I smiled, "I love this family." I said. "We all love you to Rory." I took a deep breath and held Jaz's hand. "Will you come with me to look I'm not sure I can?" She nodded, "of course let's go." We walked to the downstairs bathroom where the tests were. "Ready?" She asked before I nodded. I closed my eyes not wanting to see before she said anything. I heard Jaz turn the tests over. "They're all positive Rory. Your going to be a mum" she said before she pulled me into a hug. I smiled. Finally this felt real and I could imagine this happening. "I'm going to be a mum." I repeated. Debbie knocked on the door and Jaz opened it. They must of spoke because before I knew it I was being pulled into a group hug. I cried, Debbie cried and Jaz all cried and before I knew it they had left so I could cook Mase dinner and tell him about the news. I was in the kitchen when I heard his voice. "Princess!! I'm home!!" He shouted as he was taking his shoes off. I laughed as he did this everyday. "I'm in here baby!!" I called from the kitchen. I was stirring the stir fry when I felt his arms wrap around my waist. "Hey baby" he whispered as he kissed my neck. "Hi how was you day?" I asked him keeping up with the usual conversations.
1 hour later
"Baby you are an amazing cook" Mase said one he finished his second plate. I laughed at him. "Clearly" I said. "Oi I was hungry" he laughed back. This was just one thing I loved about him. We could just bounce off each other. "Let me take the plates to the kitchen and then I have a surprise for you. Stay here." I said to him before grabbing his mess. "A surprise?" He asked confused. I just nodded. Once I have put the plates in the dishwasher I picked up the gift bag we had found early with the tests in. "Oooh what is that?" he asked. "Just open it" I said already feeling emotional. I had so many thoughts in my head as he opened it. Then he pulled the test out. He looked confused before he turned it around. He looked up at me. "Your pregnant?" Was the only thing he asked.

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