Chapter seven

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I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains in masons room. I carefully turned over to face Mase trying my hardest not to wake him. I stared at his face and how he was still smiling even in his sleep. I stroked his hair knowing how much he loved it until I heard "stop staring at me you creep" in a cheeky voice. I laughed at him and tried to turn over pretending I was annoyed at him. He laughed and started covering my face in kisses. We were laughing so hard that our eyes were streaming with tears. "Okay okay I surrender please stop Mase" I said whilst wiping my eyes. We stopped and looked into each other's eyes. I saw his eyes flicker down to my lips and he started to lean in. I let myself lean towards him until our lips connected. It was like fireworks. A connection I had never felt before. We couldn't stop. I couldn't bring myself to pull away. Unfortunately we had to pull away as we were running out of breath. My cheeks had a tint of red on there and I tried to hide my face into mases chest. "Oh no you don't princess, let me see that beautiful face of yours" Mase said as he pulled my chin up to look at him. "I'm scared Mase" I whispered wanting to be honest. "I don't want to be one of your mistakes Mase, I can't rush this, not after Danny". He nodded understanding exactly what I meant. "I get that I promise, but I can't pretend there isn't this connection between us princess it's killing me" he confessed. I sighed not knowing what to suggest. "What about if we just got to know each other?" he asked. "What like friends with benefits?" I laughed. " no no not like that. I'm not going to rush you into anything like that. I just mean you staying here and me staying at yours, getting to know each other and promising not to see anyone else" he said as he pushed some hair behind my ear. I thought about it awhile trying to find a reason that it wouldn't work. "Okay" I said after a while, "on one condition" I as said as Mase instantly nodded his head. "It has to be secret, at least for now. Jordan would kill me and probably you as well" I sighed knowing how much Jordan will hate this. "Okay I can do that" Mase said as he kissed my forehead. "I promise Princess I'm not going to hurt you and I will do anything to prove that to you and Jordan" Mase said in a serious voice. I looked up at him and looked into his chocolate brown eyes I already loved. "I know you won't" I couldn't wait any longer, I leant in to connect our lips. Every kiss I had ever experience I wanted to feel like this. Safe. Loved. I was excited to see where this took us. I was worried though. How was I going to tell my brother. I mentally sighed. This was going to be harder than I thought. "Okay princess we need to get up, summer will be here soon and I don't want her finding us laid in bed like this because she might be jealous she's not my favourite girl anymore." He laughed me shortly joining in with him. "Okay baby let's get up" I said as I stood up out of bed. I laughed as I saw a light blush on mases cheeks. "Aww Mase are you blushing?" I teased him. He nodded, "never stop calling me baby please" he begged me. I nodded, "okay I'm going to get in the shower". I said. "Yea you need one I can smell you from here" he shouted from his bed. I stuck my middle finger up behind my back as I walked out of his room loving his cheeky laugh I could hear from the other room. My cheeks were hurting. I had never smiled this much before. I didn't want to leave. Nothing could ruin my day I thought as I got into the shower. I still couldn't shake the fear of my brothers reaction. As much as I loved Jordan he was always over protective of me and I didn't want to ruin any relationships between him and his teammates. I sighed this was going to be harder than I thought.

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