Part ten

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I was woke up to someone groaning next to me.
I partially opened my eyes and turned over to see mason holding his head in his hands. I laughed at the expression on his face. He looked up at me quickly before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer. "I'm glad you're here princess, your a great hangover cure" Mase said into my neck. "thank you baby, I could say the same about you." We laid there for a while just enjoying each other company before I looked for my phone. I found it on the floor next to the bed but it was dead. I plugged it in and rolled over into masons open arms again already missing the warmth I was receiving. We was laughing at last night conversations before my phone started ringing.
I looked at Mase confused. I picked my phone up and it was Jordan. I instantly started to panic he never calls me. I showed Mase my screen and saw how his face instantly paled. "It's okay princess just answer it." I nodded.
"Hello jords you okay?" I said in the most confident voice I could muster.
"Can you explain to me why I've been sent a photo of you kissing on of my teammates?" He angrily replied almost instantly. My eyes widen. How had he found out. "I have no idea what your on about Jordan."
"Don't lie to me Aurora!" He snapped back
"I didn't do anything! Yes I was out last night enjoying myself but I wasn't with any of your teammates. Yes I kissed a random guy outside the club but I can assure you it wasn't anyone you knew. Your not my dad Jordan you can't tell me how to live." I said before I ended the call. "Take a deep breathe princess, you did great." Mase said whilst rubbing my thigh to calm me down. I nodded feeling tears come to my eyes. "He's only protective because of how Ruben cheated and dumped me" i sniffled. Mase nodded understanding what I meant. "I'm sorry he's like this Mase, I know it makes things harder and I will I understand if you want to finish things before they have even started." I said avoiding eye contact. "Don't be stupid baby, I like you a lot and I want to see where things go I couldn't care less about Jordan" he said without hesitation. "No offence" he quickly followed up before pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I rested my head on his chest listening to his heart beat. I wasn't going to let Jordan ruin this. Ive never liked someone like this. "Okay let's do this Mase. I'm ready. I've never felt this way before." Mase quickly pulled away from me with a massive smile on his face. "Will you be my girlfriend princess?" He asked in a nervous voice scared he had judged the situation wrong. I kissed him hard. "Yes" I whispered when I pulled away. This felt right. I just needed to try and find a way for Jordan not to find out yet. Not until I was sure it would last.

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