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Hii everyone, 

I'm here to ask a favour from all my fellow Arsu lovers as well as mahabharat lovers.

The thing is that as I told before, I'm going to write a new MB story based on Subhadra with the same title as that of now but in  a different way, what I mean is like how arjun and subhadra really met  not like what Starplus mahabharat has shown.I'll be writing it in a movie style. I won't be deleting this one but will be updating this  till the lakshagriha incident so as to give the readers some Arsu moments as I planned before. 

So I request all Subhadra,mahabharat lovers as well as readers who are having detailed knowledge on mahabharat to drop information about subhadra here. 

For example,

(i) Like how subhadra's beauty is described in mahabharat texts

(ii) Her relationship with her brothers, sister in laws

(iii)Her age difference with pandavapatnis as well as pandavas

(iv) People she has met and never met

(v) Information about her maternal and paternal family, cousins,nephews with names , age gap etc. 

(vi) Princesses who may have attended kanyakul with her if they weren't of much age gap. Dushala is out of the list as I came to know about their age gap 2 yrs back.

Will drop questions later if anything comes up in my mind, my mind is blank now. 

You guys  can also drop any information related to subhadra other than things I have mentioned above. 

It's not like I don't know anything about mahabharat it's just I believe there are people out here who are well knowledgeable about mahabharat than me. 

One more thing is just like any Subhadra or mahabharat lover I too have the habit of searching stories related to subhadra in google, while searching I got a chance to read a good one from archives. org but lost it because of poor net connection and couldn't find it again even after trying for what it felt like million times.Luckily, I have taken a screen shot of it minutes before losing it. So the thing is if anyone have read this please let me know coz I'm dying of curiosity to read the further parts of it. 

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And sorry to whoever thought of this as an update. I will give an announcement about  update  to all when I finish writing a part because I don't want to make a promise again which I can't keep .And  I really think the reason I can't update soon is because I have promised to do it before.  *Promises are meant to be broken*

And I would like to give a hint about my two stories as I have left it in a cliff hanger. 

Spoiler:- The upcoming parts will be filled with  Arsu moments that too in a mind blowing way . The reason why I said mind blowing  is because of the response I got from my friend after telling her the upcoming parts.So,I hope the response will be the same from you guys too!! 

Anyways, have a nice day ahead :) 

Love of His Life -SUBHADRA [ ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now