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It's been few years that the Kuru Princes started their education.

They were practicing various weapons like sword, mace, axe the playground designed and built by their Guru. Suddenly, the princes heard a sound of chariot and saw four boys of their age entering the Gurukul with their Guru, Dron, one of the best warrior and teacher all over Aryavart, the student of Parashuram, the son of Great Sage Bharadwaj.

"Pranam Gurudev" the princes went to their Guru and greeted him.

"Pranam Gurudev" the princes went to their Guru and greeted him

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"Ayushman bhava!!" Dron blessed them. 

"Putr Yudhishtir, where is your Anuj Arjun??"  Dron asked Yudhishtir, the eldest prince among the Kuru Princes, after eyeing each and every student of his present there.

"Gurudev, he is practicing archery in the forest, near the river bank as per your instructions"  Yudhishtir replied. 

"I'm glad to hear that" Dron said with a smile, knowing his favourite student is working hard

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"I'm glad to hear that" Dron said with a smile, knowing his favourite student is working hard.

"Who are these boys, Pitashree??" Asked Ashwathama, the son of Dron, who was born with a gem in his forehead, which protected him from almost all kind of uneasiness.

"Who are these boys, Pitashree??" Asked Ashwathama, the son of Dron, who was born with a gem in his forehead, which protected him from almost all kind of uneasiness

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"They are Princes of the Vrishni (A part of Yadavas) race. They'll be staying here as a part of their education. All of you make arrangements for our guests and treat them nicely" saying this Dron went to his quarters in the Gurukul before giving an assuring smile to the four Vrishni Princes who bowed to their Guru in response with a smile.

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