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Subhadra:"I too don't know bhratashree....."

"Vasudev,please tell us,who this girl is"said satyabhama with a pleading eyes but in a possessive tone.

"Have some patience satya"said krishna and smiled at everyone watching their curiosity to know about brihannala,while arjun (brihannala) looked at krishna with pleading eyes.

"Devarji,don't test our patience,please tell us who this girl is"said revathi in a pleading tone,rukmini and subhadra looked at krishna .

Krishna:"Bhabhishree,she is a friend of mine,her name is brihannala,I just brought her to fulfill her dream of visiting our dwarka,she never visited here before"

"Am I right brihannala ?? asked krishna eyeing arjun(brihannala)in a teasing tone.

"Right vasudev"replied arjun in a feminine voice.

Listening to this balram gave krishna a 'kanha ?? what kind of leela is this ??' look.krishna gave balram a 'Not leela dau, just helping my parth' look in return.After that balram and krishna smiled at each other watching arjun in a tough situation like this -'brihannala avatar'.

"Nice to meet you"said revati,rukmini and subhadra to brihannala (arjun),while satyabhama gave a pale smile to brihannala(arjun).

Subhadra:"You got a beautiful friend bhratashree" ( smiling)

"You're right bhadre" said krishna winking at arjun(brihannala).

"Let's go to the palace now"said balram leading the royal women to the palace.

Krishna and arjun (brihannala) followed them from behind .

They all reached the palace.


"Let's go to my chamber rajkumari rukmini "said revathi smiling.

"You can simply call me rukmini bhabhishree revathi"said rukmini with a smile.

"So devarji has got a wife with the simple and kind nature that of my  bhadra "said revathi smiling at krishna and subhadra.

"Not like bhadra bhabhishree revathi,more than bhadra "said krishna in a teasing way while winking at subhadra.

"Bhadre,look at your bhrathashree krishna,he has started praising his soon to be wife from now onwards ,that too comparing with 'YOU'.And I never did that when I married revathi,so tell me who loves you more,me or kanha ?? asked balram to subhadra while smirking at krishna.

"Yes,you're right dau ,'ONLY YOU LOVE ME A LOT ,MORE THAN ANYONE IN THE WORLD' "said subhadra hugging balram while winking at krishna.

krishna smiled at her while balram gave krishna a 'she's like me kanha and she loves me a lot more than you 'look .when krishna started,

"Dau ,isn't it you the one who said that bhabhishree revathi is 'MORE  BEAUTIFUL ',when I said that our bhadra will be grown up into a beautiful young lady,when a guard informed us about  our  bhadra's return from kanyakul ?? 

After hearing krishna's words,subhadra rolled her eyes softly looking at balram.

"WHAT ?? WHEN ?? No bhadra I didn't say that,kanha is lying he's taking revenge on me,don't believe him bhadre"said balram to subhadra  in a helpless manner as krishna trapped him nicely,after all he was the biggest prankster in vrindavan.

krishna suppressed his laughter seeing his dau and bhadra's cute fight created by him while arjun (brihannala),revathi and rukmini smiled at the trio bond .

Love of His Life -SUBHADRA [ ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now