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"Brothers, atlast this is the Ayudhashala of our Gurukul" Nakul said pointing towards the Ayudhashala, where various weapons were kept.

"How is our Gurukul, brothers??" Bheem asked the Vrishni Princes.

"Bhrata Bheem, it's beautiful just like you five Pandava brothers!!" Ved said smiling.

"Oh God!! I forgot to call Arjun for the evening studies" Yudhishtir said worriedly, then turned to his twin brothers, "Nakul, Sahadev go to the forest and come with Arjun"

"Bhrata Yudhishtir, if you don't have any problem, may I go??" Gada asked hopefully.

Yudhishtir:"Sure!! But, can you find him?? You are new here"

Gada:"It's ok Bhrata, I'll manage"

"Ok then, come soon" Yudhishtir smiled at Gada.

"Gada, be careful" Vishakh said and they all left to get ready for the evening studies, while Gada went towards the forest.


Gada was walking through the bushes, suddenly an arrow hit the ground just before where he was standing. Then he heard a voice, so he looked up and saw a boy standing with a bow, a little away from him.

"Who are you?? What are you doing here??" 

 "I'm Vrishni Prince Gada!! And I came here to seek Prince Arjun" Gada replied.

Boy:"Who sent you here??" 

Gada:"Prince Yudhishtir!! So, have you seen Prince Arjun??" 

 "You are here to seek Prince Arjun??" Asked the boy giving a mischievous smile to Gada.

"Yes!!" Gada replied oblivious to the mischievous smile of the boy. 

Boy:"Come on, let's go then!!"

"But, where is Prince Arjun??" Gada asked the boy.

"He's busy  practicing!! Don't worry, he'll come with others. Let's go, we are getting late!!" The boy said to Gada and ran towards Gurukul.

"With others??" Gada asked confusedly.

"Hey stop!!" Gada shouted at the  boy while running behind him towards the Gurukul. 


"Hey stop!! What will I say to Bhrata Yudhishtir when he asks for his Anuj Arjun??" Asked a worried Gada looking at the boy.

"Don't worry, I'll manage" replied the boy.

"How??" Gada asked tensed.

"You two are still standing here?! Go and get  ready quickly!!" Yudhishtir said approaching them.


"Pranipat Jyesht Bhrata" the boy interrupted Gada.

"Pranipat Arjun, now go and get ready fast" Yudhishtir said to the boy, who was Arjun himself.

"What?? Who?? Arjun??" Asked a shocked Gada looking at Yudhishtir.

"What happened Bhrata Gada??" Sahadev asked coming along with others. 

"It seems like Bhrata Arjun pranked Bhrata Gada!! Right Bhrata Arjun??" Nakul asked looking at his Brother Arjun, who in his opinion is the only one who has some real pranking skills like him.

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