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Krishna and subhadra were few hours away from hastinapur.Meanwhile,in hastinapur kalapradarshan was over but there was no winner as the duel between Arjun and Angaraj karn was a draw or equal.Angaraj karn was fire where Arjun was water,which is the end of both.As the kalapradarshan was conducted to show the princes skills,the main motive was to choose the next king,but it wasn't of any use as there was no winner.But Kunti came to know that,the one who called arjun for duel was none other than her first son suryaputra karn,the one born before her marriage to pandu.


Kunti was pacing up and down of the room.when priyamvada,her childhood sakhi said her to stop thinking about karna as she is the only mother of panchapandavas.

Kunti:"No sakhi,he is my son,my first son the blessing of suryanarayan himself"

Priyamvada:"No kunti,he is not your son"

"Don't you dare to say like that again"kunti shouted at priyamvada.

Priyamvada:"You can keep me silent,but not the world when you are going to accept him as your son!!! What will happen to your other sons ?? And do you think that angaraj karn will accept you as his mother ???

"Don't say like that sakhi.He will accept me " said kunti,tears rolled down from her eyes.

Priyamvada:"How a child is going to accept a mother who had left him behind years ago ??

"Then what will I do now ?? How can I watch my sons fighting each other?? asked kunti crying.

Priyamvada:"Don't worry sakhi nothing will happen.Have faith in god,now go and meet your sons before the royal feast.They'll be waiting for you"

"You said it right priyamvada maasi(aunt),we were waiting to meet mata for years.That's why we came straight here after the kalapradarshan" said arjun entering the chamber with other brothers.

"Pranipat" greeted arjun.

"Pranipat mate,pranipat maasi" the others greeted kunti and priyamvada.

"Pranipat" kunti and priyamvada greeted them back.

"Ah...bheem......" whined kunti when
suddenly bheem picked her up.

Bheem:"How are you mate??

"I'm fine putr bheem,now put me down"said kunti.

Yudhishtir:"Bheem,put mata down"

"Fine bhrata"said bheem while slowly putting kunti down.

Yudhishtir:"Mate,you fine ??

"Don't worry yudhishthir,I'm fine, now all of you come here"said kunti opening her arms for a hug.

They all hugged kunti,but bheem was late,so he hugged making them move from the place they stood.Seeing this kunti and her sons laughed their heart out.

A little later....

Sahadev:"We're sorry mate"

Kunti:"Why putr??

Nakul:"We couldn't win the kalapradarshan,mate"

Kunti:"It's ok putra,winning a match is not important,winning the hearts is important.And you have done that"

Bheem:"It's all because of that angaraj karn if he shouldn't come here,jyesht bhrata would have become the crown prince" (angrily).And arjun almost defeated him but the suryadev saved him by setting soon"

Nakul:"You're absolutely right bhrata bheem,if he didn't had the divine armoury on his chest bhrata arjun's arrows would have pierced through his chest today"

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