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Kulguru:"Maharaj, today is a good day, if you give permission---"

"NO, not TODAY!!" Vasudev interrupted the Kulguru.

"Kulguru, my daughter is excellent in everything!! You know that!! Then, what's the need to sent her Kanyakul??" Vasudev pleaded in front of Kulguru.

Kulguru:"Maharaj, you are not only a father, you are a king too!! And I know that our Bhadra is excellent, but educating the princess is your duty as a king!!"

"After completing the education from Kanyakul, our Bhadra will be a perfect role model to young maidens not only in Dwarka but to the whole Aryavart!! I assure you that!!" Said the Kulguru giving a proud smile at the king and the whole royal family present there.

"But, what about my pain Kulguru?? As a father how can I leave my precious daughter?? How am I going to live after her departure to Kanyakul??" Asked a broken Vasudev.

Kulguru:"Putra, I'm---"

"Forgive me Kulguru for interrupting you!! May I tell something??" Subhadra asked politely.

"Sure, Putri" replied Kulguru.

"Pitashree, when I was so small, we three fought to sit beside you while dining, but most of the time I failed to sit beside you because of Bhratashree Krishna and Balram!! At that time you said that my place is in your heart, not beside you!! You remember??" Asked an innocent Subhadra to her father while smiling at her brothers.

"Yes dear" said Vasudev understanding the meaning behind Subhadra's words.

"So, don't cry!! I'll come back soon, but not within 64 days like Bhratashrees because I don't have super powers like them!!" Said Subhadra in a childish tone, to which the whole family laughed forgetting the sorrow of her departure.

"As my Gudiya have given her consent, it's fine for me too. All of you make arrangements for my daughter's safe journey!!" Announced Vasudev holding Subhadra's hand with a little pain.

After sometime


"Putri, everything is packed" said Devaki looking at Subhadra who sat near the window watching the vast ocean of Dwarka, the clear blue sky, children of her age playing outside the palace, the beautiful birds etc..., with a little sadness.

"Bhadra, what happened?? Did you hear what Mata Devaki said??" Rohini asked, caressing Subhadra's wavy hair which was adorned beautifully by herself.

"Yes Matashree!! I heard what Mata Devaki said" said Subhadra turning towards her mothers.

"Then tell me dear, if anything is missing or I have forgot to keep in that box which you will be taking with yourself to Kanyakul??" Devaki asked pointing to a box.

"Matashree, there is one thing missing!!" Subhadra said after checking her things kept in the box.

"What is that, Putri?? I have packed everything you need, including your favourite toys!!" Said a worried Rohini.

"Matashree, the missing thing is you and your love" said Subhadra and hugged her mothers.

"Won't you miss us, Bhadre??" Balram asked entering the chamber with Krishna.

"There is no doubt in that, Bhratashree!! I'll miss you both a lot" said Subhadra walking towards her brothers and hugged them.

"Won't you miss me, my Gudiya??"  Vasudev, who was standing near the door asked while smiling lovingly at his daughter.

"Definitely, Pitashree!!" Saying this Subhadra ran towards Vasudev and hugged him.

Then they all spent few hours with Subhadra talking about how she was from birth to till now, and advicing her about Kanyakul and how to adjust there.

Love of His Life -SUBHADRA [ ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now