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After sometime,krishna stopped playing the flute and looked at his parth.

"Why did you stop madhav?? asked arjun opening his eyes after understanding krishna has stopped playing flute.

"It was really nice hearing you play flute,madhav and there is no wonder that  gopis lose their hearts on hearing you play flute" said arjun with an admiring smile.

"Stop praising me parth,now go and hidehide" said madhav to his parth.

"Hide?? But why madhav?? asked  arjun in confusion.

"Why are we here parth?? asked krishna.

"I don't know madhav,I just came here following you" replied arjun.

Krishna:"Ok then,follow this too " 

Arjun:"Follow what madhav ?? 

"Ok,there is no need to follow anything,just stay  silent until I ask you to  speak" said krishna seeing someone approach them.

Arjun  looked at the direction krishna was looking and saw a beautiful  maiden approaching them smiling to krishna,wearing an elegant dress with some simple matching accessories.The beautiful maiden came near krishna and spoke,

"Pranipat bhratashree,why did you call me here?? asked subhadra while touching krishna's feet and hugged him tightly.

Arjun was still mesmerized by her beauty that he didn't heard what she  said to his madhav.But krishna was watching his friend but didn't disturbed him as he thought that it's necessary in the future.

Subhadra:"Where are you looking bhratashree ?? 

"Nowhere bhadre,I was thinking about the beautiful bracelet which me and dau gave you on your 12th birthday,where is that  bhadre ?? You used to wear it  all the time right ??  asked krishna taking subhadra's hands in his.

"It's with me bhratashree .....look----" said subhadra showing her hands but stopped abruptly and the smile on her face faded looking at her hands.

"Bhratashree,I was wearing it all day...but....it's missing now " said subhadra almost crying at the thought of losing her bracelet gifted by her brothers.

"I'm sorry bhratashree,I lost it " said subhadra  tearing up.

Arjun felt really bad watching subhadra not even knowing the exact reason.

"No bhadre,its with you...look  at your hands " said krishna side hugging subhadra.

"Bhratashree ...but it wasn't there before....where did you  get this ?? asked subhadra happily looking at her hand.

"Remember,we met yesterday in the kitchen,from there I found it" replied krishna looking at arjun who was really confused.

Subhadra:"Thanks  a lot bhratashree,I thought---

Krishna:"You  thought ??

Subhadra:"For a second,I  thought I had lost it forever "

"When you have me and dau by your side as your brothers,you're not going to lose anything,(in  a low  voice ) except once or twice"said krishna with a tear in his eyes.

"Did  you  say something bhratashree ?? asked  subhadra clearly not hearing what krishna said in a low voice.

"I was saying that,I wanted to  introduce my new friend to you bhadre,looks like  he is  not going to come" said krishna to which arjun looked at him in shock and gave him a "I'm here madhav " look.

"Then I should leave bhratashree,bua will be waiting for me " said subhadra turning around.

"Bua ?? asked arjun.

Love of His Life -SUBHADRA [ ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now