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"Subhadra,subhadra,where are you sakhi?? called out dushalla while searching for her best friend. 

"Hey,have you seen my sakhi subhadra?? asked dushalla to a girl passing by. 

"She's in the forest,near the stream"  replied the girl.

"Thank you" said dushalla and ran towards the forest.


"Sakhi,you're here.I have been searching for you more than an hour" said dushalla making an angry face.

"Don't be angry dushalla,you know how you look when you are angry right?? And tell me what happened" said subhadra in a calm yet teasing tone

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"Don't be angry dushalla,you know how you look when you are angry right?? And tell me what happened" said subhadra in a calm yet teasing tone. 

Dushalla:"Sakhi.....forget it,you are not going to change and the matter is Guruma has called you,come let's go !! 

"Dushalla,do you know why  Guruma called me?? asked subhadra still concentrating on what she have been doing. 

Dushalla:"There is a visitor for you sakhi"


Dushalla:"Yes sakhi.I  don't  know much but,the visitor was wearing  simple clothes and----

"Let's go sakhi" said subhadra in excitement  interrupting dushalla as she understood who the visitor is. 


"How are you my gudiya?? subhadra heard a voice and turned to find her father smiling affectionately at her.

"Pitashree" said subhadra running towards vasudev and hugged him tightly.

"How are you pitashree?? Is everyone fine in dwarka?? asked subhadra  releasing herself from her father after the hug.

"Everyone is fine putri" said vasudev kissing subhadra's forehead.

"It seems that my gudiya hasn't changed a bit" said vasudev smiling at subhadra.

"Is that bad  pitashree?? asked subhadra making a puppy face.

"No putri"  replied vasudev.

"I'm  really happy  that  you're still fond of the nature.It's clear in your hands" said vasudev taking  subhadra's mud filled hands  in his. 

"Pitashree,I was building a palace. Look,how is it?? said subhadra pointing towards a palace made of mud.

"It's really beautiful putri" said vasudev looking at the palace made by subhadra with mud.

Subhadra:"Thank you pitashree"

"Pitashree,this is my sakhi dushalla,princess of hastinapur and  dushalla  this is my  pitashree  and the maharaj of dwarka" said subhadra  introducing dushalla and vasudev to each other.

Love of His Life -SUBHADRA [ ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now