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"Bhrata  arjun,bhrata gada,jyesht bhrata has  told  you  both to return gurukul soon  for the evening studies" said sahadev approaching them.

"Let's  go mithr" said arjun to gada getting up from the rock they were resting after a long session of archery practice.Gada nodded his head tiredly.

They both  took their  bows and arrows,then left the forest  with sahadev.They  reached  gurukul,got ready and went  to the  class.


"And  that's how  Nar-narayan  avatar  of Lord  Vishnu  fulfilled  their  duty " said  guru dron completing  the  story.

"Pranipat" a brahmin greeted  guru dron entering  the class.

"Pranipat  brahmin shresht"

"Why are you here?? How can I help you?? asked guru dron politely.

"I'm here with some brahmins as a part of our pilgrimage and we are here to see you" said the brahmin. 

"Then let's go and talk  in my room brahmin shresht" said guru  dron taking  the brahmin  outside  the class.

"Students,the class is over  have your dinner  and go to sleep" said guru dron before leaving. 

The 109 princes followed what their guru said. 


 Arjun and gada were practicing archery.Suddenly,gada stopped practicing and sat  silently in a rock  near  him.

Arjun:"What  happened  mithr?? Why did you  stop??

Gada:"Nothing  arjun.I don't feel well,you  continue"

"Is there anything bothering you mithr?? asked arjun in concern.

"Nothing serious.I was just missing  my family,it's been months that I haven't seen them" said gada with sadness all written on his face.

"Don't worry mithr,you'll see them soon.But,not before  completing your studies" said arjun in a mixed voice filled with concern and mischief.

"Pranipat bhrata gada,pranipat bhrata arjun" arjun and gada heard a voice greeting them. 

They turned behind to find ved standing there smiling at them.

"Pranipat" greeted back arjun and gada.

"What are you doing here ved?? Why are you here in your practicing time?? asked arjun in a strict brotherly tone.

"Bhrata arjun,it's true that I came here in my practicing time and it's because there is a matter which is really important than my practice " replied ved trying to explain the situation and to avoid the scoldings of his mentor like brother.While gada simply smiled looking at how his mischievous younger brother is standing there like a scared student in front of his teacher.

"Important than practice?? asked arjun confused.

Ved nodded.

Arjun:"And what's that??

Ved:"Bhrata  arjun,I'm here to inform bhrata gada that there is a letter from----

"Where is the letter?? gada asked in an excited tone interrupting  ved as he knew who sent the letter. 

"The  letter is with bhrata  karthikey,come let's go bhrata" said ved smiling seeing how happy his brother is.

"I'm coming,mithr arjun I'll be back soon" said gada to arjun  and ran towards  gurukul,while ved quickly stole a glance at arjun and left from there not wanting to get scolded more.Arjun smiled at the running figure of ved and continued practicing.

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