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Subhadra was sleeping peacefully on krishna's lap hearing him play flute. After sometime,krishna stopped playing it understanding subhadra has slept and he was about to take her in bridal style in order to take her to her chamber when subhadra opened her eyes and spoke

"Bhratashree,is it too late at night?? 

" You can say that bhadra,but why are you asking about time now?? asked krishna. 

"Bhratashree,tomorrow is bhrata balram's wedding right?? asked subhadra. 

" Yes it is bhadra"replied krishna smiling. 

"I forgot to do something important bhratashree" said subhadra sadly. 

"What's that bhadra?? asked krishna confused. 

" Bhratashree,I forgot to draw mehndi on bhabhishree revati's hands,she don't have someone to do it from her side as her only family is her pitashree,matashrees are busy preparing other things for tomorrow that they may have forgotten it and bhabhishree will be asleep as it's almost midnight,it's supposed to be my responsibility,what should I do now bhratashree?? asked subhadra sadly. 

"Don't worry bhadra" said krishna comforting subhadra. 

Subhadra:"But bhratashree..... 

"Bhadra,I told you not to worry so don't worry,wait here for me I'll be back soon " said krishna walking away from the garden. 

Subhadra nodded her head and sat  sadly in the swing. 

Few minutes later, 

"Here you go bhadra" said krishna placing something on subhadra's hands. 


Krishna:"Yes dear"

"But what can I do with this bhratashree?? asked subhadra confused. 

" Go to  bhabhishree bhadra "replied krishna smiling. 

Subhadra:" But bhratashree,bhabhishree will be sleeping "

"She's not sleeping bhadra,you go and help her put on mehndi" said krishna. 

"How do you know that bhabhishree isn't sleeping?? asked subhadra raising her eyebrows at krishna. 

" Well girls won't sleep early before their wedding day bhadra"said krishna smiling. 

"How do you know bhratashree?? Do you have some experience?? asked subhadra teasing krishna. 

" Bhadra,stop teasing me,now go and make your bhabhishree happy by applying mehndi on her hands"said krishna pushing her out of garden to revati's chamber. 

"But what will you do bhratashree?? asked subhadra turning behind. 

" Well,I have a tough job to do bhadra "said krishna faking sadness. 

Subhadra:" And what's that bhratashree?? I was about to ask you to get bhratashree balram on his room early as it's also his big day"

"You're right bhadra,I'm going to get dau out of administration works in order to let him rest properly before his big day" said krishna laughing.

"Well that's a tough job to do bhratashree" said subhadra laughing along with krishna. 

"Ok then let's do our job and meet tomorrow" said krishna smiling at subhadra and they both parted their ways in order to complete their mission. 


Revati was laying on her bed looking at the beautiful night sky filled with moon and stars thinking about tomorrow-the big day in her life.When, 

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