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"I'm asking you putris,where were you two till now?? they recognised the sound,it was of pitamaha bheeshm. 

"Sakhi,pitamaha caught  us,what will we do now?? asked dushalla shivering in fear.

Subhadra  gave dushalla a 'Don't worry,'ll manage' look.Then they both turned behind to face bheeshm with eyes closed in fear.But they opened their eyes hearing a laughing sound  followed by some teasing words,

"Look at you two,standing like  scared cats who got caught red handed"

"Bhratashree.... you??  said subhadra looking at  krishna,who was laughing his heart out. 

"Did you get scared,bhadra??  krishna asked teasingly,subhadra frowned at him. 

"Scared?? I would have died in fear if you continued pranking us,bhrata krishna" said dushalla sighing in relief. 

 "Bhratashree...what's the need of pranking us like this?? asked  subhadra  frowning at krishna.

Krishna spoke while smiling, 

"Bhadra,I was walking towards my chamber thinking that it's been years I have played a prank on you,that's when I saw you both entering the corridor through the tree.So I thought of implementing my prank and it worked well"

"Bhratashree......because of your prank I got so scared,so I won't spare you today" subhadra said while running towards krishna,dushalla too joined her in chasing krishna. 

While running krishna was about to collide with bheeshm and vidur who came on his way but,he slid past them resulting into the collission of subhadra with bheeshm and dushalla with vidur.

They four groaned in pain as they fell down to the ground.When,

"Bhadre,are you still a child?? You should watch where you're going,now look what you did to the elders?? Ain't I right pitamaha?? krishna asked suppressing his laugh,subhadra glared at him.

"Forgive us pitamaha,we were chasing bhratashree but he intentionally slid away resulting to this collission" subhadra said apologetically. 

Bheeshm:"It's ok putri" 

Subhadra:"Does that mean you're not angry at me,pitamaha??

"No" replied bheeshma smiling.

"Really pitamaha?? exclaimed subhadra in surprise. 

"How can I be angry on my favourite granddaughters?? asked bheeshm,pulling subhadra's cheeks.

Subhadra and dushalla smiled at bheeshm and vidur.

"What happened?? What was the big sound heard a while ago??  kunti asked,coming there with priyamvada,followed by gandhari with the help of sugada. 

"Jyesht pitashree??  Vidur?? Why are you both sitting on the ground??  kunti asked. 

"Jyesht pitashree and vidur sitting on the ground?? voiced out gandhari,in confusion. 

Kunti:"Yes jiji,they are sitting on the ground now"

Gandhari:"Why kunti??

Kunti:"I don't know why jiji" 

"Kunti,are they two only on the ground?? I feel like there are two more" gandhari said turning to subhadra and dushalla. 

"You're absolutely right jiji,there are two more on the ground" kunti said looking at subhadra and dushalla.They two passed  an embarrassed smile to kunti. 

"Who are they sakhi?? gandhari asked sugada.Before sugada could reply, 

"Are they dushalla and subhadra?? gandhari asked,which shocked subhadra. 

Love of His Life -SUBHADRA [ ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now