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It's been a week after the departure of the kuru princes to panchal.The whole kingdom was waiting for the good  news of their princes victory over panchal king drupad,who have been a rival kingdom to hastinapur since ages.Not only the people,the whole royal family was also waiting for that good news .

Queen Gandhari and Kunti were so worried about their sons,but subhadra with the help of dushalla  spread happiness in the whole royal family with their witty and loving nature.Even after watching over the administration works of the kingdom,mahamahim bheeshma,mantri vidur and maharaj dhritarashtra  felt relieved from their worries whenever subhadra and dushalla  spend their time talking about their kanyakul days and asking about the childhood days of the three elder members of the family.Even the cunning and scheming gandhar raj shakuni too participated in their evening talks,because of the kind  and  loving nature of  subhadra.

It was a fine day in hastinapur.After the morning family prayer and breakfast,subhadra and dushalla were busy planting some beautiful flower and tree plants near the palace garden.

"Finally,I'm done" said dushalla with a relief and got up from the ground,where she sat while planting trees.

"Subhadra,where are you?? called out dushalla walking through the garden.

"Sakhi,you're here and what have you done to yourself?? asked  dushalla  while  laughing at  subhadra,whose dress was filled with mud.

"Why are you laughing sakhi?? asked subhadra getting up from the ground.

"Nothing sakhi,I just laughed looking at your clothes" said dushalla controlling her laughter.

"Oh I'll clean it later,now let's plant some mango saplings over there" said subhadra while taking some mango saplings.


Subhadra:"What happened  sakhi??

Dushalla:"Subhadra,why are you planting trees everyday??

Subhadra:"Sakhi bhratashree said,by planting trees we're saving the nature,trees are the source of oxygen,it'll give us  shelter and---"

Dushalla:"Ok,ok don't go in deep,because I know what you will say after that"

"Then let's go there" said subhadra chuckling at dushalla. 

"But subhadra,today we have already planted  40 plants,so why don't we rest now,please..." said dushalla whining.

Subhadra:"But we have 10 remaining to plant sakhi"

Dushalla:"Oh subhadra,we have planted more than 200 plants within 5 days,isn't it enough to save the nature??

Subhadra:"Ok,we can stop---"

"Oh finally,you agreed" said dushalla jumping out of joy.

"But only after planting this" subhadra completed her sentence while showing some mango plants to  dushalla,to which she give her a 'no one can change your decision' look.

Subhadra smiled at dushalla's expression. 

"Sakhi.....please...let's go back to the palace,I'm really tired" said dushalla tiredly sitting on a rock near her. 

"You go sakhi,I'll meet you  later" said subhadra making pit to plant the saplings.

Dushalla walked away from the garden. 

Few minutes later, 

Subhadra was about to complete making pits when she  saw someone's hands near her who took the saplings she placed on the ground and then she looked over to see dushalla planting those. 

Love of His Life -SUBHADRA [ ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now