9 Years Later

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*****9 YEARS LATER*****

*****STEVE POV*****

We all arrived back on the platform once we got the stones and I saw Clint fall to his knees and Nat was missing.

"Clint, where's Nat?" Bruce asked and tears welled in his eyes.

"Clint?" I asked.

"She's gone. It was her or I and she made the sacrifice. I tried since I have lost everything, but she wouldn't let me." Clint said and broke down in tears. I looked at Tony and he gave me a sympathetic look.

"Steve...I'm sorry." Tony said and I sighed.

"It's okay, we knew it was a chance we might lose some people." I said.

"But Clara and Connor..." Tony said and then stopped when he heard feet come running in.

"Dad!!" Clara and Connor yelled together and ran up to Steve and he hugged them.

"Hey, I told you I would make it back just fine." Steve said and kissed the top of both their heads. Clara looked around.

"Where's Auntie Nat?" Clara asked and I sighed.

"Remember how I told you some missions were dangerous and some people don't come back?" I explained and both kids nodded.

"Like mom..." Connor said and I nodded. I looked at Clara wearing Andie's locket and I gave a small smile.

"Hey why don't you guys go to your rooms and I'll be up soon and we can decide what to do for dinner." I said and they nodded, hugged Clint, Tony, Thor and Bruce who know looked permanently like the Hulk. I had moved out of the compound with the kids when Andie died and built a house near Clint and Laura but once everyone went missing 5 years ago, I moved us back to the compound since Clint was here. I just needed the kids around as much family as possible.

"Steve, go be a dad. We can handle everything." Tony said and I nodded. I walked to my room and got changed out of the outfit I was in. I looked the picture of Andie and I from our wedding on my desk and smiled.

"The kids are great love, they miss you and now Nat is gone. Bucky, Laura, the kids, all gone when Thanos snapped. I know I can't get you and Nat back, but I will do everything I can to get Laura back for Clint and the kids. Love you Andie." I said and then walked out and headed to the kids' rooms to figure out dinner.

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It had been a couple day since we brought all the stones back and Tony had been working none stop to make a gauntlet to put them in. Once it was done, we were all down in the lab talking about who was going to wear it and snap. We were all silent just looking at the thing unsure of who was going to wear it.

"Alright, gloves ready question is who's gonna snap their freakin' fingers?" Rocket asked.

Thor spoke up. "I'll do it."

"Excuse me?!" Tony asked confused.

"It's okay." Thor said.

"Stop, stop. Slow down." Tony said.

"Thor, just wait. We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet." I said trying to stop him. He just looked at me and Tony. He was clearly upset, he had been since Clint came back without Nat. He felt like he wasn't committing enough help to the team.

"I'm sorry, what, we're all just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity? Look, sitting here staring at this thing is not gonna bring everybody back. I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So, this responsibility falls upon me. It's my duty, just let me do it. Let me do something good. Something right." Thor said.

"Look, it's not just the fact that the glove is channeling enough energy to light up a continent. I'm telling you, you're in no condition." Tony explained.

"What do you think is coursing through my veins right now? Lightening." Thor said.

"Lightening won't help you, pal. It's gotta be me. You saw what those stones did to Thanos, they almost killed him. None of you could survive." The hulk version of Bruce said. He was able to find a way in recent years to stay green and hulk sized but keep his Dr. Banner brain.

"How do you know you will?" I asked.

"We don't, but the radiations mostly gamma. It's like...I was made for this." Bruce said.

"So, we are good to go, yeah?" Tony asked looking at everyone and we all nodded.

"Let's do this." Bruce said.

"Okay remember everyone Thanos snapped away 5 years ago you're just bringing them back to now, today. Don't change anything from the last 5 years." Tony explained. This was his only stipulation to doing this. In the 5 years since Thanos snapped tony got married and had a little girl named Morgan and they were his world. He did not want to lose them.

"Got it." Bruce said. We were all suited up and I was holding my shield up in front of me and Scott Lange while Tony made a shield in his suit covering him and Clint. I looked at Clint and gave a small nod, I knew if this worked, he would have his happiness back again.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol, will ya?" Tony asked his A.I. system in the compound.

"Yes, boss." She answered. We all watched as big metal doors started closing around all doors and windows and then locking into place. I sighed knowing Clara and Connor were at Pepper and Tony's place safe and sound but I still worried knowing this could go wrong. Bruce was looking at the gauntlet and sighed.

"Everyone comes home." Bruce said and slipped on the glove. Energy started flowing from the stones into Bruce's body giving him a power surge. He cried out in pain and dropped down to his knees. We all started yelling at him making sure he was fine.

"I'm okay!" Bruce said and held up the hand with the gauntlet on it and snapped. He fully fell to the floor once snapped and the gauntlet fell off. We all rushed to his side as the metal doors started to open back up. Clint cellphone on the desk started ringing so he rushed to it to see it was Laura and he showed me, I smiled at him as he answered his phone. I pulled out my phone as Tony took care of Bruce.

"Steve is everything okay?" Pepper answered her cellphone.

"Everything is fine, it seems to have worked...I wanted to call and check on you and the kids." Steve said and Tony looked at him hopeful.

"Everyone is fine Steve. They kids are playing a board game and having fun. As long as you guys are okay?" Pepper asked.

"We are fine Pepper. Be there soon to get the kids." Steve said and hung up. As we were helping Bruce sit up someone came walking in the room with 2 other people.

"Nat?!" Clint asked in shocked seeing her. She ran over to him and hugged him. I saw Bucky and Sam standing there and I walked over to them and hugged them.

"Welcome back guys." I said to Bucky and he chuckled.

"It's good to be back." Bucky said.

"Let's get Bruce to the medical wing so we can get his arm taken care of." Tony said and I helped Tony get Bruce to the medical wing. I had so many questions on how Nat was back but right now I wanted to get Bruce taken care of. As we arrived in the medical wing someone else was walking out confused. Our eyes met and I was stopped in my tracks.

"Andie?!" I asked in shock.

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