The Kids

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The night Nat and Steve were standing in the bedroom waiting for the kids to come and I was pacing in mine and Steve's room. Bucky was going to let me know when the kids were in their bedroom talking to Nat and Steve. Bucky knocked and walked in the room

"They here?" I asked and she shook his head.

"I can sense your tension and know you need a hug." Bucky said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and Bucky smiled as we broke apart.

"How do you think this is going to go Bucky?" I asked and he sighed.

"I don't know sweetie, I know they miss you but this is going to be a shock for sure." Bucky said. I heard voices coming down the hallway and I sighed being able to tell it was Clara and Connor.

"Why do you think dad and Aunt Nat want to talk to us?" Clara asked.

"Maybe Aunt Nat is pregnant?" Connor said.

"You know she cant have babies remember?" Clara said and I saw Bucky's face fall and I just hugged him again.

"Dr. Cho was working on trying to help her and maybe they are adopting." Connor said.

"Then why wouldn't Uncle Bucky be there too?" Clara asked and I looked at Bucky and he just shook his head.

"Your kids are too smart for their own good sometimes." Bucky said it and I smiled.

"Well they obviously get it from me." I said and he laughed but nodded. Once we heard them go in their room we left mine and Steve's and headed down the hall. I stood outside their door and listened to Steve and Nat talk to the kids.

"Hey, so what's up?" Clara asked walking in the room.

"Okay so you know things have been pretty crazy lately and I just wanted a chance to talk to you guys." Steve said.

"Then why is Aunt Nat here?" Connor asked.

"Because I love you guys and I want to make sure you're okay as well." Nat said and I sighed and started shaking. I heard Steve sigh.

"Okay you guys know how Aunt Nat, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Sam and a lot of other people came back when we go the stones and Uncle Bruce snapped?" Steve asked and I smiled since everyone was family to my kids.

"Aunt Laura and our cousins came back too." Connor said.

"Right they did." Nat said and I could tell she was smiling.

"Well someone else came back too. Someone who didn't disappear 5 years ago. We aren't sure how it was possible but it happened." Steve said.

"Who?" Clara and Connor asked together. I heard silence on the other side of the door and then Steve cracked the door open.

"You ready?" Steve asked and I nodded as he opened the door a little more and I walked in. I looked at both kids as I walked in and they just looked in shock. I knew not to rush over to them and I knew to keep it a calm meeting.

"Hey guys." I said simply. Their faces showed confusion and even maybe a slight bit of fear.

"Mom?!" Connor asked and I smile at him.

"Hey bud." I said. Clara got up panicked and ran over to Nat and clung to her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Nat asked.

"She was dead...she can't be alive." Clara said and I sighed.

"I was just as surprised as you are Clara, honest. I know it will take time for us to get to know each other...-" I started to say.

"I don't want to get to know you!" Clara yelled.

"Clara..." Steve said disappointed and I in took a sharp breath and placed a hand on his arm.

"No, it's okay. It's a shock." I said and Steve sighed. I looked at Connor still sitting on the bed.

"And if you feel the same as your sister, I won't be mad or upset. I understand." I said. Connor walked over to his desk and grabbed his sketchbook and pulled a picture out.

"I drew this last night. I had a feeling about you and I drew this." Connor said and handing me a picture that he drew of Steve and I with the kids. I smiled as my eyes filled with tears.

"Can I have this?" I asked and he nodded. He then wrapped his arms around my midsection and hugged me.

"I missed you mom." Connor said and I started crying.

"I missed you too." I said hugging him back. Once we broke apart he looked at Clara.

"All you ever wanted was a mom and now you have yours back!" Connor said and she sighed and shook her head.

"Hey, Connor, honestly it's okay. I get it okay?" I said and he nodded.

"So if you came back when everyone else came back, why didn't you come and find us right away?" Clara asked and I looked at Steve.

"That was on me guys. I was in shock, just like you. Your mom and I needed to work through her being back first." Steve said.

"So you were shocked first too?" Connor asked and Steve nodded.

"Of course I was. I unfortunately watched her passed away. That was the hardest day of my life, until now. Her coming back which should have been joyful sent me for a tailspin and I didn't know how to act. Now I reacted badly and she felt like she had to leave for a few days. She is back now though...-" Steve said.

"Only if it's okay with you guys." I interuppted and Connor nodded. He was still hugging me from the side not wanting to let me go.

"Can I have some time?" Clara asked and I nodded.

"Of course you can. I wont rush you." I said and she gave a small smile.

"Dad, can we still do Rogers cuddle movie night tonight?" Clara asked and Steve smiled with a nod.

"Of course we can." Steve said. Connor looked up at me.

"Mom, do you want to join?" Connor asked and I looked at Clara and shook my head.

"No, it's okay. This is something with your dad and you guys have that okay?" I said and he nodded and Clara did as well. She has since let go of holding on to Nat but was standing there with her.

"I'm going to head to the room, I'm a little tired." I said and Steve nodded. I hugged Connor and then smiled at Clara and left the room. Once I got to mine and Steve's room I laid on the bed and silently cried. I knew it wouldn't be an amazing reunion but I was hoping for something better with Clara. I quickly wiped tears away when I heard the door open. The bed dipped behind me and I instantly felt arms wrap around me and hold on tight.

"I think you need some Rogers cuddle time." Steve whispered in my ear and I smiled as I turned to look at him.

"It could have gone worse." I said and Steve sighed and wrapped me in hug. He kissed the top of my head as I nuzzled into his chest.

"It will all work out Andie, I promise." Steve whispered.

Life Unexpected - Sequel to Unexpected Guest ⭐Where stories live. Discover now